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Military tension in the Baltic Sea! Russia summons German ambassador

Amid growing fears that Russia could escalate its aggression after its invasion of Ukraine, NATO opened a command center in the German city of Rostock under the direction of the German navy

Oct 22, 2024 20:08 50

Military tension in the Baltic Sea! Russia summons German ambassador  - 1

Russia summoned German ambassador because of Berlin's decision to establish a regional headquarters of NATO's naval command in Rostock in eastern Germany, the Russian Foreign Ministry said, as quoted by the BBC.

The German ambassador in Moscow, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry and a "sharp protest" was filed against him.

"The ambassador was told that this step by Germany's ruling circles is a continuation of the course towards a creeping revision of the results of the Second World War and the militarization of the country,'' the ministry said in a statement quoted by Interfax.

The Russian Foreign Ministry accuses Germany of "grossly violating the spirit and letter of the Treaty of Final Settlement with regard to Germany of September 12, 1990 ["The 2+4 Treaty" signed between the divided East Germany and the Federal Republic of Germany , as well as the United States, Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union], in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 5 of which it is obliged to prevent the deployment of foreign troops on the territory of the former GDR ."

Amid growing fears that Russia could expand its aggression after its invasion of Ukraine, NATO opened a command center in the German city of Rostock under the direction of the German navy.

"The headquarters will play a decisive role in preparing reports on the military situation and in responding to regional challenges, including protecting the interests of NATO member states from aggressive actions, especially given the proximity of Russia," said the German defense chief. department.