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Kazakhstan celebrates its national holiday - Republic Day

Viktor Temirbaev - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Bulgaria

Oct 24, 2024 10:33 59

Kazakhstan celebrates its national holiday - Republic Day  - 1

October 25 is one of the most important dates in the history of modern Kazakhstan.

On this important day for our country, in 1990, the Declaration of State Sovereignty was adopted, which became the legal basis on which our country began to be built.

Then, on the basis of this Declaration, on December 16, 1991, the Law on State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted. In many ways the articles of the Act were a continuation of the provisions laid down in the Declaration.

On the basis of these two important documents, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted.

It is important to understand that Republic Day, which is celebrated on October 25, was the first step towards independence and our nation's quest for free life and self-development.

During the years of independence, Kazakhstan made significant progress on the road to democratization. As a result of the large-scale political reforms, the role of the parliament has strengthened and the responsibility of the government has increased. The concept of a “listening state” is applied, which allows citizens to openly express their opinions and show social activity.

The referendum held on October 6, 2024 on the question of the construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan confirms the country's commitment to such a democratic approach, taking into account the opinions of the public when making important decisions at the national level.

The reforms aim to strengthen the rule of law, enhance legal culture, create a more inclusive society and ultimately create a just Kazakhstan. In 2024, a law and related legislation was passed regarding women's rights and child safety. In addition, from 2024, the project "National Fund for Children" will be launched, within which 50% of the investment income of the National Fund will be distributed among all children under the age of 18.

Today, Kazakhstan is an open country that has established itself as a reliable partner in international relations.

As the largest economy in the region, Kazakhstan became the first country in Central Asia to sign and ratify an Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the European Union, our main trading partner.

The country remains the most attractive place to attract foreign investment, the volume of which during the years of independence exceeded 440 billion US dollars, accounting for more than 60% of foreign investment in the Central Asian region.

International rating agencies confirm the stability of our economy. In September 2024, Kazakhstan received the highest rating in its history on the scale of the international rating agency Moody's - Baa1 with a forecast of "stable". The increase in Kazakhstan's credit rating is due to the continued improvement of the institutional and policy environment, combined with a steady pace of diversification of the economy. These factors contribute to strengthening economic stability and improving credit sustainability to the level of higher-rated countries.

The International Financial Center “Astana“ operates in the capital of Kazakhstan. (IFCA) – unique for the region of Central and Central Asia, a platform with a special legal status that gives participants special privileges. The center brings together the best experience and state-of-the-art capabilities of modern financial centers in New York, London, Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore. The volume of investments attracted through the AIFC in Kazakhstan's economy exceeds USD 13 billion. Today, about 3.2 thousand companies from more than 80 countries around the world work on the AIFC platform.

Kazakhstan's subsoil has vast reserves of natural resources, thanks to which the country is an important supplier to world commodity markets and an asset for future investment projects. Kazakhstan accounts for nearly a quarter of the world's production of sponge titanium, the country is also the second largest producer of chromium in the world (16% of global production), while also having deposits of minerals such as gold, silver and silicon .

The World Bank estimates that there are more than 5,000 unexplored deposits in Kazakhstan worth more than 46 trillion US dollars. The mineral resource base of the country is formed by deposits of ferrous, non-ferrous, precious and rare metals, as well as non-metallic minerals.

Our country is positioned as the largest transit hub in Central Asia and is located at the crossroads of roads connecting the North, South, West and East. 13 international transport corridors pass through the territory of Kazakhstan.

Separately, I would like to note that in the conditions of geopolitical tension, the importance of the Trans-Caspian international transport route (the so-called Middle Corridor), which passes through China, Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, is increasingly growing and further on to the countries of Europe.

Kazakhstan recently launched an international information campaign “Born Bold”, designed to demonstrate the country's dynamic and visionary approach to economic growth, social progress and innovation. The campaign aims to make Kazakhstan a center for investment and innovation in Central Asia, connecting Europe and Asia through strategic trade, logistics, infrastructure and technology projects.

On the international stage, Kazakhstan has created a unique identity thanks to its visionary diplomatic efforts.

The country's policy aimed at freeing humanity from nuclear weapons and strengthening the WMD non-proliferation regime has won the recognition of the international community and cemented Kazakhstan's global leadership in the field of disarmament, non-proliferation and nuclear security. Proof of this was the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site and abandonment of the fourth most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world.

Kazakhstan has become a platform for inter-religious dialogue aimed at promoting mutual understanding and cooperation between religious leaders, and using its geo-strategic location, peaceful and balanced foreign policy, the country provides full assistance in settling regional and international disputes, offering neutral platform for negotiations.

In foreign policy, Astana builds equal and mutually beneficial relations with all countries of the world and firmly adheres to the strategic course of strengthening multilateral cooperation with the countries of Central Asia. We intend to continue to contribute to the further development of regional cooperation to maintain stability in the region, adhering to the principle “Successful Central Asia - Successful Kazakhstan”.

This year was marked by the presidency of our country in a number of international organizations, such as the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, the Organization of Turkic States, the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Islamic food security organization and the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea.

During the years of independence, Kazakhstan has built friendly and constructive relations with all countries of the world and is a “bridge” between East and West, offering a harmonizing narrative in an often divided world.

For 32 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Bulgaria, we have managed to build truly friendly relations. During this short period by historical standards, a trusting political dialogue was formed, which developed consistently.

Bulgaria is an important and reliable partner of Kazakhstan in Southeast Europe, as well as in the European Union. Our bilateral cooperation and interaction within international organizations, including the United Nations, serves as a “model“ based on the principles of mutual cooperation and support.

I am convinced that in the coming years the all-round cooperation between Kazakhstan and Bulgaria in the political, commercial-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres will continue to develop dynamically.

The achievements of Kazakhstan not only in the economic sphere, but also in the field of international relations and security, democratization and social responsibility are the result of the constant development of the state. Republic Day symbolizes the unity and solidarity of the people of Kazakhstan, calling on all citizens to unite around a common vision: building a sustainable and prosperous society, continuing the implementation of reforms and striving for progress both domestically and internationally.