While the world talks about negotiations with Vladimir Putin, the front line in Ukraine is crumbling, writes the magazine. The Economist, describing the difficult situation in which the Ukrainian army finds itself.
The battle for the village of Velika Novosilka in Donetsk region lasted six days, but its outcome was obvious even before that, as the situation became critical at the beginning of the new year, when Russian forces occupied villages to the northeast and west of it, surrounding Ukrainian fighters.
Russia's success in Velika Novosilka follows a familiar pattern: constant infantry attacks, heavy losses, exhaustion of Ukrainian defenses and their retreat, the publication's analysts note, UNIAN reported.
The fighting there has already forced the Ukrainians to close a critical coal mine, which previously provided half of the needs of the local metallurgical industry. The modern front, dominated by drones, is rapidly changing the nature of military operations in Ukraine. For example, in Velika Novosilka, armored vehicles play a minimal role.
Russian military tactics are not dynamic, but they create many problems for Ukraine. This means that Russia has enough infantry, but Ukraine does not. In particular, due to problems with mobilization and desertion, Ukrainian reserves have been significantly reduced.
The Economist recalled that world attention has focused on the negotiations that are likely to take place, as well as on signals from the Donald Trump administration, which are both positive and negative for Ukraine. At the same time, Russia will not be left without weapons in the near future, so there is no point in talking about ending the war yet.
“They have at least a year, maybe two, to continue fighting the way they are doing it“, said a representative of Ukrainian intelligence.