Today, Serbia will mark National No Tobacco Day, under the motto “Quit Smoking“. The campaign aims to highlight the importance of quitting smoking and inform the public about the serious health consequences of using tobacco and tobacco products, quoted by BTA.
According to a 2019 population health survey in Serbia, 25% of smokers have tried to quit smoking, but only 30.1% have received advice from health professionals on quitting smoking. This points to the need to increase the motivation and training of medical staff to more effectively support smokers.
Serbia is among the countries with the highest percentage of smokers in Europe and the world, with almost 32% of the adult population smoking. Every year, 15,000 Serbs die prematurely due to the consequences of smoking. In addition to traditional cigarettes, new products such as heated tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and nicotine pouches are also available on the market in the country.