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Bulgarian brand of waffles is the most popular in Mauritius

From BGN 0 to BGN 50 million, trade between Bulgaria and the island has grown in 10 years

Oct 4, 2024 17:51 392

Bulgarian brand of waffles is the most popular in Mauritius  - 1

Bulgarian brand of waffles is the most popular of its kind on the island of Mauritius. In 10 years, the commercial relations marked a significant success - from BGN 0 in 2013 to BGN 50 million in 2023. During this time, the island was promoted as an attractive destination for investments and tourism.

"One of the most dynamically developing countries in Africa. Despite the uncertainty around the world, Mauritius maintains its position of security and entrepreneurs consider it a very attractive place for investment as well as a gateway for investment in Africa. The investments of almost all Chinese, European and American companies that invest in Africa pass through Mauritius," said Hristo Iliev, Honorary Consul of Mauritius in Bulgaria, during a presentation of the island as a destination for property purchase.

The trade in question is mainly realized in the food industry, as well as Bulgarian companies offer swimming pools and water facilities. "There is also a good exchange in the fields of culture and education. Many young people are studying in Bulgarian universities, with the greatest interest in medicine," commented Iliev.

Mauritius has become a hub between all continents and for this reason attracts many businessmen. The island is characterized by political and economic stability, as well as a low tax jurisdiction - no income tax, no wealth tax, no inheritance tax and free money transfers.