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Dr. Miroslav Nenkov: Homosexual, good, bad, but the West is Bulgaria's choice

We are a society of teenagers, the doctor warned

Apr 20, 2024 14:33 555

Dr. Miroslav Nenkov: Homosexual, good, bad, but the West is Bulgaria's choice  - 1

Good, bad, homosexual – The West is the developed human society. Thus, Dr. Miroslav Nenkov presented on the air of Darik Radio his vision for the right direction for the development of Bulgaria.

„In this human society, every home has a toilet inside. In the other human society that we so much want to be – let Putin come and fix us, as some people say, out of the entire population there, more than half do not use an indoor toilet. What is civilization and what are we striving for?“, he asked.

When asked if there is a pilot in our plane, Dr. Nenkov stated that the positive thing is that our plane is tied to the tow bar of the European one. According to him, several generations have been fed with the idea that it is good to steal from the state, that it is not wrong to take a bribe, that it is normal to betray your loved one.

„We are a society of teenagers. It is very difficult for us to imagine that our actions now will have an impact in the future. We are currently looking at the credit to buy the latest model mega hyper phone so everyone can see how cool we are. Driving in this idiotic way is not because these people are in a hurry, they are in a hurry to show that they are more than others. This is immaturity. Our disease is immaturity. There is a cure for this disease – the time“, said Dr. Nenkov.

Dr. Nenkov also affected health care. When asked about the death of 2 babies from Kyustendil, as a result of contracting whooping cough, he stated: “It is unfortunate because they could not yet be vaccinated, i.e. they were overtaken by disease before there could be any civilizing intervention on their health. The problem is that children who are older get sick, their mother and father did not vaccinate them. And if something like this happens to a child, who is responsible is the question. The doctors! This is further living proof that vaccines are extremely useful and this is one of the great human discoveries. This is like saying that the bicycle is terribly disgusting and we should not ride a bicycle, because in Bulgaria 600 people die in accidents involving cars with wheels. The stupidity of these people who do not vaccinate their children is so great.

He also commented on the political situation in our country with the office of Dimitar Glavchev, a former deputy from GERB. He defined as “stupidity” narrative that this government is equally distant from all parties.

„Borisov has a talent for communication, no doubt. But it is an “absolute coincidence”, if something is white as a duck, quacks like a duck, it is an absolute coincidence that it is a duck”, said Dr. Nenkov, referring to the words of GERB leader Boyko Borisov that it is “ an absolute coincidence“ that Glavchev proposed exactly the deputy chairman of GERB, Daniel Mitov, after he expressed his disapproval of the current diplomat #1.