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Official Social Minister: Work is the basis of the permanent solution to poverty

The demographic situation is also alarming - the population is aging, the labor force is decreasing, pointed out Ivaylo Ivanov

Май 1, 2024 12:12 309

Official Social Minister: Work is the basis of the permanent solution to poverty  - 1

Dear workers, it is my honor to congratulate you on the occasion of the International Day of labor and worker solidarity - May Day! The day we celebrate the unity of workers, united in their struggle for more decent working conditions. Work is at the heart of the lasting fight against poverty. This is what he wrote on the page of the social ministry on "Facebook". the official minister of labor and social policy Ivaylo Ivanov.

This is how he celebrated International Labor Day - May 1.

Work ensures our personal social stability, the peaceful future of our children, the dignified old age of our parents. The functioning of vital systems for any society also depends on labor – social, health, educational. I wish you to never lose faith that you, the people of work, bring change for the better and the motivation to achieve it. Especially in today's dynamic world of political upheavals, climate changes and rapidly developing technologies, which create more and more global challenges for the organization of work and the provision of dignified and safe conditions for its work, summarized Ivaylo Ivanov.

He points out that the demographic situation is also worrying: the population is aging, the labor force is shrinking. Professions disappear, new ones appear. They are cutting jobs. Employers are looking for workers and employees with specific skills, which turns lifelong learning from a message into a necessity for full realization of the labor market, adds the official minister.

"At the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, we are aware that overcoming these new challenges requires not only the public energy of the solidarity of workers, but joint and deliberate actions with employers and institutions.

One of our most important goals in the short term is the transposition into Bulgarian legislation of the Directive on adequate minimum wages in the EU. I believe that, together with the social partners and all interested parties, we will find a balanced solution that will guarantee not only decent and fair pay, but also the stability of the Bulgarian economy, said the Acting Minister of Labor and Social Policy.