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Diana Damyanova: Boyko Borisov himself led the delegation to Radev - this is significant!

This is a sign that he is in control of the situation and things are about to happen

Jun 24, 2024 21:04 111

Borisov himself led the delegation to the president.
If that's not a sign that he's in control, what is?
So many times it sent out mediators and "contactees" and still in a situation where the work had no chance.

This commented on "Facebook" Diana Damyanova.

Now he is appearing in person and this is a SIGN that things are about to happen.
How? I don't know and my imagination is weak, but the SIGN is there.

The unfulfilled chairman of the National Assembly and current general of the DSB, after receiving a vote of confidence, is very interested and communicates his interest in the fact that there were /may have been/ snipers in front of Borisov's house.

I, for my part, am very interested in why there is a guard in front of the microgeneral's house. I say this because I often have to visit the expensive complex built on a "kidnapped" from South Park land. And every time I wonder, what the hell are these slim guys doing in a perpetually burning car?

The question, why Borisov is guarded by snipers, and me, the person with a vote of confidence from the DSB, only ordinary NSO is clearly very, very important and asking this question is SIGNIFICANT.