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Mitov: The names from the "Zhelyazkov" design office are strong figures, they can solve problems from the first dау

We offered all parties a conversation on priorities. With some we cannot find common things, but with others we could, for example with PP-DB. However, they started behaving like political observers and analysts instead of being politicians, commented the nominee for foreign minister

Jul 2, 2024 08:24 96

Mitov: The names from the "Zhelyazkov" design office are strong figures, they can solve problems from the first dау - 1

The names from the project government are proven experts, strong figures who can start solving problems from the first day in relevant ministries. I have no idea how the DPS will vote tomorrow. This was stated on the air of "Hello, Bulgaria" the deputy from GERB-SDS Daniel Mitov, who was proposed as foreign minister in the draft cabinet of Rosen Zhelyazkov.
According to him, a coalition should be formed in order not to go to new early elections. "We offered all parties a conversation on priorities. With some we cannot find common things, but with others we could, for example with PP-DB. However, they began to behave as political observers and analysts instead of being politicians. The state has very clear goals that GERB has been striving for during its administrations. Due to inadequate decisions in the last 3 years, payments under PVU were frozen. We also need to remove Bulgaria from the gray list of the group that monitors money laundering, he commented.

According to him, it is quite normal for ministerial ministers to be allowed to work in a regular cabinet as well, if they do well.

"We will pass legislation to unblock PVA payments. We also need to sort out public finances so that we can be accepted into the eurozone without any problems", Mitov added.

When asked if Maria Gabriel is still an active part of GERB, he replied that she continues to be part of the party's future.