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Recep Erdogan: I will lay the foundations for a cease-fire agreement between Russia and Ukraine

The Turkish president has stated that Israel's attacks on the Palestinian territories and its threats against Lebanon are directed against regional and world peace and tranquility

Jul 3, 2024 22:47 330

Recep Erdogan: I will lay the foundations for a cease-fire agreement between Russia and Ukraine  - 1

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said today during his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) summit that Ankara may try to lay the foundations for a ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine. This was announced by the Directorate of Communications of the Turkish Presidency, writes BTA.

Erdogan arrived today in the capital of Kazakhstan to participate in the 24th summit of the heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

A statement from the Directorate of Communications on the meeting between Erdogan and Putin indicated that, in addition to bilateral relations between Turkey and Russia, the leaders discussed the latest developments in the course of the war between Ukraine and Russia, the crisis in the Gaza Strip, tensions in Syria, as well as and counter-terrorism issues.

Erdogan has emphasized to Putin that Turkey will continue to make efforts to establish peace in the region and in the world, and that Turkey can create a basis for an agreement to end the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. According to Erdoğan, it is possible to achieve peace that satisfies both sides.

The Turkish president has stated that “Israel's attacks on the Palestinian territories and its threats against Lebanon are directed against regional and world peace and tranquility“, and that the spread of conflicts will cause the greatest damage to the countries in the region. Erdogan added that the international community should make efforts to stop Israel's actions.

The Turkish leader has stated that Turkey is determined not to allow "the creation of a terrorist state near its borders" and that it is ready to cooperate in finding a solution to this problem, while emphasizing the importance of taking concrete steps to end the instability that creates an enabling environment for terrorist organizations, in particular the civil war in Syria.