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Algaffari: At this moment, it is unlikely that anyone will dare to lend a hand, as Boyko Borisov is doing

The BSP party has been in a state of disrepair for a long time, its organizational life has stopped a long time ago. That is why they are losing the trust of people who have left-wing beliefs, commented the political analyst

Sep 9, 2024 22:15 111

Algaffari: At this moment, it is unlikely that anyone will dare to lend a hand, as Boyko Borisov is doing  - 1

At this point, it is unlikely that anyone will dare to lend a hand, as Boyko Borisov is doing. From the position of the first, he can lend a hand to any country he wants, because he knows that he will be the biggest force in the next parliament. This is what political analyst Nidal Alghafari said in the program "Bulgaria, Europe and the world in focus" ; on Radio "Focus“.

"Revival“ and "Continuing the Change” – "Democratic Bulgaria” according to him, there is no way for them to win more votes than in the last elections. "There is such a people” on the other hand, it will fight to overcome the 4 percent barrier. "Others will fight not so much for voters, but for legal causes, hoping that they will have some hard cores that will follow them, no matter what decisions they make“, comments Alghafari.

According to him, with its decision not to register the two factions of the DPS, the CEC has passed the ball to the court. The upheavals in the DPS will inevitably affect the party's voters, Alghafari believes. "Their voters will decrease because they are disgusted, because neither one nor the other is talking about solving the problems of this ethnic group“, he explained.

The political analyst believes that the attempt to form a broad left coalition will not be successful. According to him, there are only leaders left in the BSP and almost no voters. "It seems illogical to me. None of the previous leaders tried to work where the leftmost segment of society is – the youngest people who are still enthusiastic, strong-willed, romantic, want the world to be fair and put all their energy into it. The BSP party has been in a state of disrepair for a long time, its organizational life has stopped a long time ago. That is why they lose the trust of people who have leftist beliefs. Before they coalesce and unite the old muzzles, they should decide what it means to be left and what they offer to people as a left", commented Nidal Alghafari.

He noted that the division in Bulgaria at the moment is not between left and right. "These are battles of economic circles, not political or ideological ones,”, he was categorical.

According to him, the talks on forming a government after the next elections will be even more complicated. "The best option was before the elections were announced: we will form a government with the PP-DB, regardless of the damage we will now suffer, but we will do it in the name of the state, statehood, normality, stabilization, justice. Everything else after that will be much more difficult to talk about, because everyone will already know that they cannot do without him in the two, three, four parties and a wringing of hands will begin, which will lead to another election”, predicts Alghafari.