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Lyubomir Stefanov: The traditional voters of DPS can also skip voting in these elections

DPS is not divided into two, but is a terrain, on two different principles of how it should be governed, but not the party, but that which is the DPS, commented the political scientist

Sep 10, 2024 15:11 108

Lyubomir Stefanov: The traditional voters of DPS can also skip voting in these elections  - 1

In the DPS there are processes that have nothing to do with the political. This opinion was expressed to the BNR by Lyubomir Stefanov, a political scientist and professor of political science at the NBU, and specified:

"What is happening in the DPS is a dissonance between the stated declarative beginning, that it is a party with Euro-Atlantic beliefs, with modern liberal values, defending all progressive policies at the European level, and the Bulgarian reality, in which the DPS is a symbol of anything but these things. The problem of synchronizing this binary nature has long been before the DPS.
Perhaps the time has come for DPS to redefine itself, since since the beginning of the transition it has been a party riding on the edge of suspicion of political impurity, he further commented and explained:

"And no matter how much Ahmed Dogan said - sometimes frankly, sometimes shamelessly - that the DPS is not really a party, but some political structure that guarantees and garnishes power with rings from companies and keeps them with clubs, following the example of Delyan Peevski, this party continued to participate, as its traditional electorate recognized it. Does it like it? I can't say that. This is over, obviously, because there are processes in the DPS that have nothing to do with politics. Note - Dogan insists that as Honorary Chairman he is hardly the spirit of the party incarnate and therefore everything he says has to have some sort of super legitimacy. This is a complete absurdity in a legal state. Here we have reached the end of the absurd! I hope this leads to the purification of this organization. We will see if it will continue as a party or if it will turn into something else.

According to Stefanov, the DPS is not divided into two, but is a terrain, "on two different principles of how it should be governed, but not the party, but what the DPS is":< /p>

"DPS voters are not fooled. ... They see that one or other people in this thing called a party, but in fact the headquarters of a metropolitan boulevard, has led to the occupation and redistribution of influence resources that have nothing to do with politics.
In the words of Lyubomir Stefanov, the traditional DPS voters "may as well skip voting in these elections", because none of the wings in the DPS speak to them in party language.