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Asen Vasilev: We were never stuck with Peevski. If we were, the Denkov cabinet would still continue

The last five budgets were prepared by teams in which We continue the change held by the Ministry of Finance. They included measures such as free kindergartens, an increase in the tax credit for parents, noted the former finance minister

Sep 11, 2024 18:49 78

Asen Vasilev: We were never stuck with Peevski. If we were, the Denkov cabinet would still continue  - 1

It is clear that there is some reconfiguration of the political space, but the results of the elections have to be seen , to think about further political actions. This is what he said in "Face to Face" the co-chairman of "Continuing the Change" and former Minister of Finance Asen Vasilev on the occasion of the splits in DPS and BSP, quoted by

I think our goal is to give a clear perspective on the future of the country, on how we should look forward, not backward. And on the basis of this, we should strive to be first in the elections, Vassilev said.

In the last 30 years, there was a period when it was forgotten that the future of the country is the people, that it is necessary to invest in the young, and this led to the fact that over 1 million Bulgarians left the country. In recent years, there are more people returning to Bulgaria, there are more investments in young teachers, young doctors and nurses, he pointed out.

In the last few years, an ugly campaign was waged against us, which is currently being waged against people who obstruct Peevski. The second thing that has happened is that the economic model that we set up is already starting to pay off and incomes are growing. At the moment, the economy in Bulgaria is growing 3-4 times faster than that in the Eurozone, we are observing a fall in inequalities, the demographic picture shows that more children are being born. When you invest in people, you see the results. The last five budgets were prepared by teams in which "Continuing the change" held by the Ministry of Finance. They included measures such as free kindergartens, an increase in the tax credit for parents, noted the former finance minister.
These measures helped – consumption rose. Every day on TV we are told how bad the country is, and Eurostat comes out and says that Bulgaria has the lowest debt to GDP ratio. During Borisov's time, we were in third place. Eurostat also came out with the fact that for the first time we are not the last in terms of individual household consumption. And this is not shown in the media. If you look in a crooked mirror, you can't make the right decisions, he added.

In recent years there have been two governments, both of which we made and were a huge compromise. We have not been stuck with Peevski, we never have been. If we were, the office "Denkov" it would still go on. During this cabinet, 60 out of 62 legislative measures under the Recovery and Resilience Plan were adopted. The last two measures, due to which the second payment under the PVU is delayed, are overwhelming for GERB and DPS, they include the election of members of the anti-corruption commission in a transparent manner. The second measure is related to whistleblowing. The moment it became clear that the anti-corruption program would not be implemented, this cabinet ended, Asen Vassilev stressed.

He also commented on the words of GERB leader Boyko Borisov, who announced earlier today that he was giving a hand to the parties of the assembly to look for a governance option after the elections. Borisov included BSP and "There is such a people" as future partners.
We have no confidence in GERB. We proposed similar to the French or Italian version – a person who is equidistant, who has great status and can put together a government option that will move Bulgaria forward. We do not participate in fixed matches and have never participated. If there is no independent prime minister like Mario Draghi or Michel Barnier, we will not participate in such a thing, emphasized the co-chairman of "We continue the change".

I believe that a prime minister should choose his team himself and seek support for it, he added. Asked if he was inclined to support political figures, he said: "It depends on who they are, it depends on what their program is."

In response to the presenter's words that even before the assembly of "We continue the change" spoke in a similar way, and then governed together with GERB, Vassilev stated: "When the assembly took place, the government was ours, the prime minister was ours and they supported us".

In his words, entering the Eurozone is not a mirage. This autumn we will also cover the inflation criterion. The entry date – July 1 next year, assured Asen Vassilev.