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Ivan Takov: It's time to return normalcy to the country, the BSP will show that another Bulgaria is possible

The bans for a boycott on our lists did not come true, said the chairman of the BSP Atanas Zafirov, who is a leader in the 25th MIR in Sofia

Sep 24, 2024 21:38 33

Ivan Takov: It's time to return normalcy to the country, the BSP will show that another Bulgaria is possible  - 1

It is time to return normalcy to the country, and the BSP will show that another Bulgaria is possible. This was said by the chairman of the BSP - Sofia, Ivan Takov, who today registered the lists of the "BSP - United Left" Coalition. on 23, 24 and 25 MIR, together with the leaders - Gabriel Valkov, Atanas Atanasov and Atanas Zafirov, as well as some of the candidates for people's representatives, for participation in the early parliamentary elections on October 27.

"In all three lists we managed to achieve a balance between youth and experience, we relied on experts and reached an understanding with the coalition partners on the distribution of seats. Thus, about 25% of the composition of the lists is for representatives of coalition partners and a civil quota, commented Ivan Takov. - The leaders of the 23rd and 24th MIR, Gabriel Valkov, who is the chairman of the Youth Union in the BSP, and Atanas Atanasov are motivated young people. We have exceptional experts in their fields such as Assoc. Nataliya Kiselova, Prof. Yanko Yanev, Boris Pankin, Prof. Ivan Tokadzhiev, Prof. Mariela Modeva, Prof. Georgi Cordov, Dr. Atanas Mangarov, Boyan Angelov. Special interest was caused by the presence of Evgeni Minchev, but let me point out that he has been helping BSP campaigns for years, especially in the "Oborishte" metropolitan area. The proposal to include him in the list came precisely from there. From the conversation I had with him, I saw tremendous motivation and acceptance of all our leftist messages. In Sofia, we are consistent in our understanding that everyone is welcome to work together if they accept our leftist policies. It was like that in the local election campaign a year ago, and it's like that now. We do not segregate people based on their religion, race or sexuality. We are open to all who are ready to work for the normalization of the state, for the return of statehood in Bulgaria. For our homeland to be a true social and democratic country, as written in the Constitution.

I. f. Chairman of the BSP Atanas Zafirov, who is a leader in the 25th MIR in Sofia, noted that the party registered full lists throughout the country. "The demands for a boycott did not come true," he said. - For the first time in many years, we had people who remained off the lists, despite their desire to join them.

Atanas Zafirov thanked the coalition partners for a job well done. "The goal we set for ourselves is high, he added. - We want to give the Bulgarian citizens a real left-wing alternative, to stop the collapse of statehood, to make way for the left to take its rightful place in Bulgarian political life. We will put an end to right-wing timelessness. In the lists we have an excellent combination of young and enthusiastic experts with experienced parliamentarians. This is a prerequisite for serious success".

Gabriel Valkov noted that the list of "BSP - United Left" in 23 MIR, which he leads, is the "youngest" of the coalition from everyone in the country. "We bet on new policies. The 23rd MIR has the most young people in Bulgaria. For us, it is a priority that they find a job, afford their own home and raise their children in Bulgaria," Gabriel Valkov was emphatic. He also indicated some of the ways to achieve these goals, which are included in the platform of the coalition - decent wages, preferences when buying a new home and financial support for the first child. Gabriel Valkov noted that this is the most effective way to combat the demographic crisis.

Highly motivated for a positive, constructive and well-intentioned campaign is also the leader of the leaves of the Coalition "BSP - United Left". at 24 MIR Atanas Atanasov. "We managed to find the right formula for unification and I am glad that we were able to bring it to a national scale, he commented. - For the first time, the left political space appears in this way in elections - united. Now one of our main goals is to motivate as many people as possible to come out and vote, as the massive apathy we have witnessed in recent years has led to a spiral of elections and instability in the country.

Atanas Atanasov noted that two Bulgarias were gathered on the territory of the 24th MIR. "This is the constituency that most clearly shows the differences in the country, he said. - Of course, we will also present to you our policies and solutions through which we will overcome them. We will show you that another Bulgaria is possible".

For candidates on the lists:

The leader of the leaves of the Coalition "BSP - United Left" Gabriel Valkov is 27 years old in the 23rd MIR. Born in Sofia, the chairman of the Youth Union in BSP graduated from "Politics and Society at the New Bulgarian University". Currently following "Energy Markets and Services" in SU "St. Kliment Ohridski". He has been a member of the BSP since 2015. Second in the list is Georgi Angelov from the "Triaditsa" district. He is 28 years old and has a master's degree in international project management. Prof. Nataliya Kiselova, who is under #3 and is from the civil quota in the list, was born in 1977. Prof. Kiselova has a doctorate in Constitutional Law since 2008. She is a lecturer at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" since 2005 in the Department of "Constitutional and Legal Sciences", Faculty of Law. Expert in constitutional law and human rights.

The leader of the leaves of the Coalition "BSP - United Left" in the 24th MIR Atanas Atanasov was born on February 16, 1993 in Sofia. He received his higher education at the Varna Free University, majoring in "Protection of National Security". Develops business in the field of finance and lending. Member of the BSP National Council from the "Vazrazhdane" region. Married, has a daughter. Second in the list is Dimitar Glavinov. He is 38 years old, with a higher education, specialty "Insurance and social work". and is from the "Slatina" region. The third is 44-year-old Krastin Chepilov, who is the chairman of the regional organization of the BSP in "Sredets". He has a higher education, majoring in "Psychology, Business Psychology and Sociology".

The leader of the leaves of the Coalition "BSP - United Left" in the 25th MIR Atanas Zafiro is i.f. chairman of the BSP. He was born on September 29, 1971 in Burgas. He has three master's degrees - in Bulgarian language and history and in finance from Veliko Tarnovo University and in National Security from the Military Academy in Sofia. He specialized in political science and political management at the School of Political Studies in Moscow, at the Bulgarian School of Politics and at the New Bulgarian University, and is about to defend his doctoral dissertation in history. Second on the list is 41-year-old Nina Dimitrova. She has a master's degree in law and is from the Nadezhda region. Third is the 40-year-old financier Dimitar Petrov from "Vrabnitsa".

Composition of the Sofia lists of the "BSP - United Left" Coalition:

23 MIR

1. Gabriel Valkov

2. Georgi Angelov

3. Assoc. Nataliya Kiselova - civil quota

4. Ivan Panayotov

5. Nikolay Dimov

6. Sava Dikov

7. Vesela Kirova

8. Boris Pankin - coalition partner (Stand

9. Paolina Zheleva

10. Slavyana Visulcheva

11. Kristina Ivanova

12. Sava Arabadjiev - civil quota

13. Rusi Statkov

14. Orlin Petkov

15. Dimitar Mitev - coalition partner (BSD-Euroleft)

16. Borislav Angelov

17. Vladimir Marinov

18. Elizabeth Todorova

19. Mira Kalenitsova

20. Slavina Nikolova

21. Nikola Dimitrov

22. Biser-Lyuboslav Iliev

23. Kalin Nikolov

24. Darina Velkova - coalition partner (BSD-Euroleft)

25. Sashko Kunev - coalition partner (PD Social Democrats)

26. Atanas Mangarov - coalition partner (ABV)

27. Chavdar Gerasimov - coalition partner (BSD-Euroleft)

28. Veselin Velichkov - coalition partner (BSD-Euroleft)

29. Dimitar Dimitrov - coalition partner (BSD-Euroleft)

30. Nikolay Minkov - coalition partner (BSD-Euroleft)

31. Stefan Kurtev - coalition partner (BSD-Euroleft)

32. Hristo Bozukov - coalition partner (Stand

33. Dobri Tsolov - coalition partner (Stand

34. Lilia Vancheva - coalition partner (Stand

35. Asen Popov - coalition partner (Stand

36. Zahari Ruzhenov - coalition partner (BSD-Euroleft)

37. Simona Petrova - coalition partner (Stand

38. Vasil Mladenov - coalition partner (BSD-Euroleft)


1. Atanas Atanasov

2. Dimitar Glavinov

3. Krastin Chepilov

4. Evgeni Minchev - civil quota

5. Natalia Ilieva

6. Alexander Grozdanov

7. Rosen Manasiev

8. Krasimir Ignatov - civil quota

9. Svetoslav Stoykov

10. Prof. Yanko Yanev - coalition partner (ABV)

11. Plamen Lazarov

12. Prof. Mariela Modeva

13. Yordan Topalov - coalition partner (Stand

14. Mariana Bozhkova

15. Boyan Angelov

16. Boyan Boychev

17. Georgi Dimitrov

18. Prof. Ivan Tokadzhiev

19. Elmira Atanasova

20. Liliana Yordanova

21. Asparukh Karastoyanov

22. Valentin Peykov

23. Prof. Georgi Cordov - civil quota

24. Ivaylo Venchev

25. Ivan Ayolov

26. Eng. Iva Nacheva - coalition partner (PD Social Democrats)

25 MIR

1. Atanas Zafirov

2. Nina Dimitrova

3. Dimitar Petrov

4. Vladimir Zhiyanski - civil quota

5. Tony Popov

6. Svetoslav Velkov - coalition partner (Stand

7. Desislava Borisova

8. Iliya Vachev

9. Ivan Tarpomanov - civil quota

10. Milko Panov

11. Gergana Petkova

12. Tsvetelin Nikolov

13. Asparukh Ivanov

14. Borislav Mihailov

15. Pavel Velkov - civil quota

16. Martin Georgiev - coalition partner (Stand

17. Bozhidar Milanov

18. Mario Traikov

19. Orfey Petkov

20. Stoyan Tsvetkov

21. Ekaterina Dimitrova

22. Krasen Rakovski

23. Alex Gigov

24. Bistra Borisova

25. Krasimir Donovski

26. Alexandrina Ivanova

27. Tsvetan Pandov

28. Ivaylo Stoev - civil quota