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Lena Borislavova: If a candidate for chief prosecutor is submitted, we will file a complaint with the Supreme Court

The PP-DB considers the procedure for selecting a chief prosecutor to be illegitimate

Sep 25, 2024 12:56 34

Lena Borislavova: If a candidate for chief prosecutor is submitted, we will file a complaint with the Supreme Court  - 1

If a candidate for chief prosecutor is submitted, from PP-DB will file a complaint with the Constitutional Court. This was stated on the air of the program “ Your Day” on NOVA NEWS Lena Borislavova.

The PP-DB considers the procedure for the election of the chief prosecutor to be illegitimate. If 48 signatures of MPs are collected, a request for interpretation by the Constitutional Court can be submitted and thus the procedure can be stopped at least until the magistrates pronounce.

„If there are indeed prosecutors who decide to participate in this procedure, we will collect signatures and submit a request to the SC for the interpretation of the provisions related to whether this SJC has the right to elect a new chief prosecutor for 7 years. We are waiting to see if there will be candidates. If not, the procedure will have to start over. I hope that a new National Assembly will find a majority to support the legislative changes that we have proposed in this regard”, said Lena Borislavova.

She also explained that PP-DB supports the Bill on the Bar in 95% of the texts.

„There are some 4 paragraphs related to the special representatives, which do not meet the European legislation, the standards of justice. Because of these 4 paragraphs, we will support the President's veto. There is no obstacle for them to be voted on and amended, with the proposals we have made," Borislavova said.

She also said that this time the PP-DB will offer their voters a governance formula with an equally distant supra-party prime minister who will seek support around a program that the coalition also considers important.

„A new approach is needed, we are putting one on the table. We do not insist on ministers, we do not insist that our candidate for prime minister be ours, Borislavova continued.