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Emilia Milcheva: From PP-DB we do not hear the answer to the most important question: With whom would you govern?

Assoc. Nataliya Kiselova and Assoc. Atanas Mangarov are experts in their field, but this does not particularly help the retro appearance of the lists, which look like one BSP from the beginning of the transition, but with many times fewer voters. The problem is that the BSP cannot present authentic left-wing messages and policies, commented the journalist

Sep 25, 2024 22:12 75

Emilia Milcheva: From PP-DB we do not hear the answer to the most important question: With whom would you govern?  - 1

I think we will have two different wings of the DPS in the parliament. Such a prediction was made to BNR journalist Emilia Milcheva after the list leaders of all parties and coalitions that will participate in the upcoming early parliamentary elections became clear.
She commented on Delyan Peevski's accusations against Ahmed Dogan that he was running away from a direct fight with him.

"This is a very good tactic on the part of Mr. Peevski. To leave "the new beginning" in the face of the mayor of Kardzhali – Errol Mümün, who is running for his first term and who, with his overall behavior and public appearances so far, opposes the current administration of Mr. Hassan Aziz, who is affiliated with Mr. Dogan's wing. On the one hand - we do not have a leadership clash, but on the other - we see a battle between the authentic DPS and the so-called "new beginning" of Mr. Peevski.
There we will see a struggle between the municipal administration. On the lists of Delyan Peevski are the mayors of Kardzhali, Chernoochene and Jebel. Municipal administrations, their families and related businesses will be working hard for this election. On the other side, we have the municipalities of Momchilgrad, Krumovgrad and Kirkovo, which will oppose Mr. Peevski's faction. In the end, we will see a battle of "are my municipalities better than your municipalities".

She commented on the fact that the former interior minister Kalin Stoyanov is the leader of the "DPS" list. A new beginning", consolidated around Delyan Peevski.
"I think that at some point he was extorted by Mr. Peevski. But it also shows us how many people would like to be dependent on Mr. Peevski in order to have a better career".

Milcheva also analyzes the inclusion in the lists of "BSP – United Left" of names such as Assoc. Nataliya Kiselova, Assoc. Atanas Mangarov and Evgeni Minchev, as well as fears that people who have relations with Delyan Peevski prevailed there again. Tatiana Doncheva even pointed out Dragomir Stoynev and Kiril Dobrev as such.
"There have been many well-founded assumptions about Mr. Kiril Dobrev for a long time. His business works great with both GERB and DPS circles.

Assoc. Nataliya Kiselova and Assoc. Atanas Mangerov are experts in their field, but this does not particularly help the retro appearance of the lists, which look like one BSP from the beginning of the transition, but with many times fewer voters. The problem is that the BSP cannot present authentic left-wing messages and policies.

Milcheva analyzes the issue of GERB's potential partners after the elections.

"The sign that GERB gives by nominating mayors is actually a quite positive signal to the party's electorate. Not only because they enjoy a lot of support, but in a sense they are also a symbol of stability. We don't have local elections several times a year. This is a good political tactic.
Mr. Borisov, however, shows a rather large political omnivorousness, which I don't think the European partners of GERB would like. Spreading the fan wide, there is also a certain helplessness that oozes from the party. If they fail to form a government once again, it will be quite bad for their political image and reputation.
She analyzes the PP-DB lists and the possibility of using them to win back some of the voters.

"In general, the sheets do not offer anything particularly new. The only new thing is that an appeal to young people creeps into their attempt at public speaking. But we don't hear the answer to the most important question: "Who would you rule with". The sooner they make this fact clear to voters, the better.