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Milen Ljubenov: The left unification will not lead to the mobilization of the left space

In some of the lists we see candidate deputies who have already lost elections, who failed to win a mandate, but are again leading the list of the respective party, which seems very strange as a party strategy, commented the political scientist

Sep 25, 2024 22:35 75

Milen Ljubenov: The left unification will not lead to the mobilization of the left space  - 1

Politicians campaign on pre-election monologues, they speak only to their most loyal and staunch supporters. This is a wrong strategy that political parties cannot overcome and enter a competitive ground where we can see a real clash. This is what the political scientist and professor at Sofia University "Saint Kliment Ohridski” said. Assoc. Milen Ljubenov in the program "Bulgaria, Europe and the world in focus" on Radio "Focus“.

Politicians will once again direct their messages to their hard cores. According to the political scientist, there is no meritocratic selection of the lists of the main political formations. "We have not seen serious attempts to attract candidates who can win wider support. In some of the lists, we see candidate MPs who have already lost elections, who failed to win a mandate, but are again leading the list of the respective party, which seems very strange as a party strategy“, commented Milen Ljubenov. p>

He pointed out that PP-DB is seeing a certain retreat of the candidates from "Yes, Bulgaria!", which, according to him, will have a disappointing effect on the voters and will negatively affect the result of the coalition.

The left unification, according to him, will not lead to the mobilization of the left space. "What, in my opinion, is the biggest weakness of the BSP and of the left alliance in general, is that it lacks leadership, and it is very important to have a strong leader in a campaign,” emphasized Assoc. Lyubenov.

The inclusion of Ahmed Dogan as a leader in the lists in two of the districts aims at maximum mobilization of the electorate. "While in "DPS – A New Beginning“ Delyan Peevski relies on some of the mayors of the DPS, who concentrate around them a certain personnel resource in view of the municipal administrations, noted the political scientist.

The political scientist pointed out that real leadership debates in Bulgaria have not been held since 2009. " There is no leadership clash, we won't see it in these elections either. This is something that unfortunately leads to an even greater withdrawal of voters, because the interest would be greater if we were to observe a real leadership debate, according to Assoc. Lyubenov.

According to him, voters are not just alienated from politics, but very frustrated by everything that has been happening in recent years. to flow in some completely different direction, leading to a radical transformation of the party system, if after these elections they once again fail to form a working majority and a government. Then, quite naturally, new players would appear to completely replace the current parties”, predicts Assoc. Milen Lubenov.