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The parties finance their campaigns themselves

BGN 1,792,719.61 of donations were collected by the parties in the first two weeks of the pre-election campaign

Oct 12, 2024 11:55 34

The parties finance their campaigns themselves  - 1

The candidates for deputies are now self-financing the pre-election campaigns of their parties, and donations from sympathizers are becoming less and less. This trend has been sustainable for the last few votes, it is clear from the formations' reports to the Audit Chamber, writes

BGN 1,792,719.61 in donations were collected by the parties in the first two weeks of the election campaign. However, most of them are from candidate deputies - over a million, and 790,530 BGN came from donors, the register shows right in the middle of the campaign.

Similar was the situation at the vote in June. For the entire campaign, donors gave a total of BGN 514,303.85, and the candidates themselves - BGN 845,819.76. It turns out that more funds were raised in the current campaign in just the first two weeks than in a whole month of the previous election. The situation was similar for the vote on October 2, 2023 - BGN 2,268,115 from sympathizers and BGN 2,522,782 from candidates.

During the current campaign, the most impressive amount was collected by “DPS - New beginning” of Delyan Peevski - a total of BGN 1.215 million. In recent years, DPS and GERB were the formations that did not collect and did not report donations, Boyko Borisov's party continues to act like this. Donors of DPS, however, made five tranches for a total of BGN 430 thousand. The largest donation so far in the campaign went to the regional leader of the movement in Targovishte Hamdi Iliyazov - BGN 200 thousand. The mayor of Belitsa Radoslav Revanski donated BGN 100 thousand. Bilgin Yunus and the regional leader of the DPS in Dobrich Erdinch Hadjiev - 50 thousand each, and the young MEP Taner Kabilov, son of the former Minister of Agriculture Nihat Kabil, contributed BGN 30 thousand.

Large sums were also released by the (candidate) MPs of the coalition - a total of BGN 785,000. Atidze Veli, Ediz-Hanif Saidov, Iskra Mihailova, Yordan Tsonev, Nebie Kabak and Nikolay Zlatarski donated BGN 60,000 each. Bajram Bajram and the mayor of Kardzhali, Erol Myumyun, participated with BGN 50,000 each. The smallest donations are for 10 thousand.

The Alliance for Rights and Freedoms of Ahmed Dogan and Jevdet Chakarov collected 71 donations, each of which amounts to exactly 920 BGN. Or a total of BGN 65,320. All donations (except one from 2.10.) were received on one date - October 4. All names are entered in the column "donors" and not "candidates", although some of them are on the lists, such as Ahmed Vranchev (Blagoevgrad) and Yusein Veiselov (Gabrovo).

54,750 BGN was collected by "BSP - United Left". Of these, 31,790 BGN are from applicants, and their transfers are for 800, 900 or 1,000 BGN. Associates who are not on the lists are also counted with the same amounts, but the dates of the donations are not specified.

Not a single donation from a sympathizer has received a “Revival” of Kostadin Kostadinov, but also in their ranks, as with Dogan and Slavi Trifonov, there is clearly a well-organized organization of how the candidates finance their campaign. On October 1 and 2, the party received 13 transfers of BGN 10,000 each from MPs and candidates, or a total of BGN 130,000. In previous campaigns, it was a common impression that Kostadinov's MPs participated with around BGN 10,000 each.

A similar organization can be seen in the report of “There is such a people”, which collected BGN 115,000. The money came in through 23 transfers of BGN 5,000 each, all released between October 2 and 4. Only one candidate has donated - former MP Stanislav Bogdanski is helping with BGN 2,000 for the campaign.

BGN 177,365.51 entered the PP-DB account. Most of them - BGN 145,530, from donors. Elena Ivanova withdrew the most - BGN 66,000, which she indicated were personal funds. Atanas Rogachev gave 50,000, Kiril Vassilev - 20,000. The rest of the sums were raised by PP-DB candidates for deputies, with the largest being from a new name on the lists - civil activist Krasimira Velichkova, who gave 20,000 BGN.< /p>

“Majesty” has not received a single donation.