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Avalanche overtakes mother and daughter over Sochi, the young woman died VIDEO

The 29-year-old victim worked in a cafe, has already been buried in her hometown of Azov

Jul 5, 2024 12:17 90

An avalanche buried a mother and her 29-year-old daughter while they were walking along the "Alpine Meadows" eco-trail near Sochi. published footage from the scene of the accident.

According to the Shot Telegram channel, the girl died in the hospital. The impact from the ice block threw her nearly 10 meters away. The mother was found to have minor scratches.

The journalists specified that the deceased was 29 years old and worked in a cafe in Krasnaya Polyana. The daughter was buried in her native Azov, and the mother is still in severe shock after the tragedy.

Earlier, a group of 11 people were buried by an avalanche in Kamchatka. People fell under the snow during a ski trip in the area of the Krasnoarmey Pass.