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Fiber, protein and antioxidants save us after an "unhealthy" party

Fatty foods are digested slowly, sweets cause spikes in blood sugar levels, and alcohol provokes dehydration and overloads the liver, experts say

Jul 5, 2024 12:35 101

Dietitionist Kerry Beeson pointed out an easy way to quickly improve the condition after overeating with unhealthy food, writes Metro.

The expert explained: fatty foods take a long time to digest, sweet foods cause spikes in blood sugar levels, and alcohol provokes dehydration and overloads the liver, so after abusing them, it is necessary to fill the diet with foods with fiber, proteins and healthy fats. She says nuts, fruits, whole grains, eggs, tofu, beans, fish and avocados work best for this task.

Carey added that foods and drinks rich in antioxidants will also help the body after consuming junk food: green tea, turmeric, red grapes and cherries, dark chocolate.

During the recovery period, the nutritionist advises to give up white bread, white rice and pasta. You can replace them with oatmeal, brown rice, beans, lentils and whole grain bread.

„These foods will help you balance your blood sugar because they will slow down carbohydrate metabolism,”, she explained.