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Saltwater cannibal crocodile eats 12-year-old girl in Australia VIDEO

The schoolgirl disappeared after she went to bathe in a stream, her remains were found

Jul 5, 2024 13:20 135

In Australia, a man-eating crocodile attacked a 12-year-old girl swimming in a stream, dragged him underwater and ate him, reports Sky News.

The student was reported missing on Tuesday, July 2 in the evening. She was on holiday with her family at Mango Creek near the village of Paluma, Northern Territory. On July 4, the police found badly damaged human remains. It was later confirmed that they belonged to the missing girl.

Law enforcement found that the girl was eaten by a saltwater crocodile. “This is terrible news for the family, local residents and everyone involved in the search operation,” said Senior Sergeant Erica Gibson, who led the 36-hour search.

She said the tragic incident should serve as a reminder that "there could always be crocodiles in the Northern Territory". The search for the aggressive reptile has not yet yielded results. However, it is noted that saltwater crocodiles are territorial animals and usually do not leave their habitats.

The saltwater crocodiles that live in Australia pose a serious danger to humans because they can swim in salt water and often stalk victims in the coastal marine area. They often view humans as potential prey and thus have earned their reputation as cannibals.