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Preslava's 3-year-old older sister surpassed the folk diva in beauty PHOTO

43-year-old Ivelina Koleva performs as a folk singer

Sep 6, 2024 06:24 71

Preslava's sister - Ivelina Koleva, surpassed the folk diva in beauty, fans noted.

Koleva, who is a folk singer and three years older than her sister, looks significantly younger and more attractive, followers of both artists are convinced.

While about ten years ago, Ivelina could not be compared to the Chalga star in appearance, now the roles have been reversed, wrote , quoted by

The reason for this change is not only Preslava's significant weight loss, but also the numerous plastic surgeries she has undergone over the past few years.

Fans noted that after the rhinoplasty, Preslava lost a large part of her natural attractiveness, and according to rumors, a few years ago she underwent a repeat operation on her nose, which completely disfigured her.

In addition, the obsession with losing weight has also damaged the pop star's appearance – her face has become anorexic thin and her features have become greatly sharpened.

On the other hand, 43-year-old Ivelina Koleva has literally blossomed recently, relying entirely on her natural beauty. Her photos are eloquent enough for that.