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Lena Borislavova and her husband rescued a seriously injured kitten

The lucky girl is already 5

Sep 16, 2024 05:30 86

Lena Borislavova and her husband rescued a seriously injured kitten. Lena Borislavova's partner Miroslav Ivanov said this in a post on his Facebook, writes

While traveling they noticed him on the road. Ivanov saw that part of one of his paws was missing. They took him with them, took him to the vet and took him home. He was cared for around the clock, but the doctors gave him no chance of survival. However, the kitten survived and is now an integral part of their family and is even about 5 years old. Because of his unexpected fate, he was called Lucky. Ivanov also says that the kitten sleeps at the feet of their daughter Dea and guards her.

Here is what the post reads:

"I will tell you a story.

This furry creature with the yellow muzzle has an interesting fate. In fact, this is his story.

5 years ago, traveling between Balchik and Varna, I saw something on the road. Approaching it, the thing moved. I thought it was a turtle that had been flipped on its back by a car while crossing the road. Fortunately for him - for the thing - there was a turnoff about a hundred meters after that. I stopped there. I'm back.

What I saw was not a turtle. It was still a browsing kitten, curled up into a ball. I took it. And then I noticed that the lower part of one back paw was missing. I haven't hesitated. I took it with me and returned to Lena, who was waiting for me in the car.

We took him to the vet. They dewormed him, cleaned the wound. They gave an antibiotic and instructions on what to do. It was exactly 145 grams. Our plans for the day fell through. In the evening we woke up to look after him. We heated it with a hot water bottle that we changed.. And it lived in a snow removal glove and a box.

We returned to Sofia. It was probably his fight for life for more than a month. We hardly missed a day in that one month without going to the vet clinic. Morning, lunch, evening.. sometimes twice a day.. at night also once or twice.. I learned to give injections, we didn't sleep, we took him everywhere with us..

We saw how pieces of bones fell from the paw until there was almost nothing left of it..the wound was hardly healing, despite washings, antibiotics and all the manipulations..They wrote him off several times and said that he would probably not make it until the next day..But the kid was stubborn. It turned out to be a bony nut and was not given.

Lucky - that's the name we gave him. Because we found it along the way. His battle for survival was long. It also cost a lot of money. But it was worth it.

Lucky now falls asleep at Dea's feet and watches over her. I am sure they will become first friends. And the feeling of saving a life is unique.

The lucky guy is turning 5 years old somewhere these days. Dea will turn 1.

The little things in life!"