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Don't do these things to your dog, it will suffer

Sometimes it happens silently, so we don't suspect

Sep 6, 2024 06:58 55

True dog owners love their four-legged friends more than people. But even so, we manage to cause inconvenience and discomfort to our dogs. And they, the good souls, sometimes even hide it - they are so attached to us.

And dogs are not able to say what they don't like. Fortunately, the experts have done it for them - dog psychologists have told us what dogs don't like about people, writes Actualno .com.


No, dogs love tactile contact and some are even willing to cuddle with you around the clock. But some of them perceive your taking over as an attempt to dominate and harm their interests.

They feel trapped when they can't move. And others will not enjoy your caresses at all, but stoically endure them. Yes, they are willing to put up with a hug from someone they love and trust, but that doesn't mean they like it.

Watch your dog's body language: Pinned ears, tense posture and defiant expression on the muzzle indicate that he is not happy with what is happening. And it is important to teach children to be careful, otherwise the dog may break, scare or even bite the child

Complex word combinations

Not in terms of normal communication - the dog is always happy to talk to you, even if he doesn't understand a word you say. A friendly tone is enough.

Dogs don't like wordy commands. Teaching them to understand a sentence like "You will behave well - you will get a biscuit” is impossible. It's just a waste of time and effort. So use short keywords: sit, stand, walk, shut up. And then there will be no confusion in your communication.

Screaming and cursing

Dogs need limits, but you can get more out of training by encouraging your pet instead of scolding him for mistakes. Yes, it's just like upbringing.

Dogs generally do not like loud sounds: the roar of engines, a vacuum cleaner, the rumble of thunder. They have such sensitive ears... Screams scare them, make them anxious and nervous. And what to do if you have to punish them? For example, here is a situation where your dog stole your socks. Do not scold him for this, but order him to release the prey. When the dog obeys the command, praise him.

Lack of routine

Just like with children. Everyone needs a routine. Dogs find a clear routine calming: they feel calmer if they eat, walk and bathe at the same time day after day. This does not mean that the dog will not enjoy an unplanned walk in the park or on the beach, but a daily routine is what it really needs.


All dogs are different and like different things. It's possible that your pet is just crazy about you rubbing their cheeks. But most dogs just tolerate you stroking their face. Especially if they think the stroking is too sudden or rough. If you're dealing with a dog you don't know well yet, petting its neck, shoulders, or back is safe.

Eye contact

Dogs don't like eye contact. Only their owners have this privilege. Of all others, dogs perceive looking directly in the eyes as a threat or even an act of aggression. And they can get defensive even if you don't intend to attack.


This is one of the elements that dogs try to endure, but they definitely do not enjoy it. When it's cold or dirty outside, we try to dress them in warm ponchos and even slippers so we don't have to clean them all night and deal with dog colds.

But clothes are something completely foreign to dogs. Of course, with time they get used to it, but they are still far from enjoying the process of getting dressed.

Facing Fear

Many dogs are afraid of the vacuum cleaner, the vet or a certain person. Attempting to overcome fear by placing the dog in a stressful situation is a highly ineffective solution and may even lead to the exact opposite result.

The best approach to dealing with dog fear is to gradually train your dog not to be afraid. Show the Hurka a distance when it cannot be frightened, reward courage and gradually reduce the distance.

Strong odors

Imagine a nose that is ten thousand times more sensitive to smells than yours. Or even a hundred thousand times. Imagine that? And now mentally get off with such a sense of smell in the subway during the summer rush hour. It seems impossible to imagine. Dogs cannot tolerate the strong odors of perfumes, cleaning products, air fresheners and other strong-smelling substances. Strong smells can cause them almost physical pain.

Bad mood

You don't like it when your dog disobeys, and your dog hates it when you're sad. Four-legged dogs perfectly sense our emotions: depression, anger, stress, sadness.

To them, your bad mood is like an endless dark day when the sun cannot break through the clouds. Therefore, the pet will try to cheer you up with all its might. And when he gets discouraged and depressed, he will share it with you.


Dogs, unlike cats, are social creatures. They literally live with you and for you. If you leave him alone for long hours and don't give him the attention he deserves when he gets home, he will become one of the saddest puppies ever. He may even get a neurosis.

Try to make time for dialogue with your pet since you decided to have one. Of course, another dog or other animal can partially solve the problem of loneliness and sadness. But no one can replace you because you are his sun.