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September 10: We mark World Suicide Prevention Day

Approximately 1 million people commit suicide each year

Sep 10, 2024 06:00 72

Suicide is one of the most serious health problems worldwide, reporting the loss of approximately 1 million human lives each year.

One million suicides a year means:

• More people than die each year in the world as a result of war and murder.

• Every 30 seconds someone commits suicide somewhere in the world.

• Every 3 seconds someone tries to die.

In Bulgaria, every year around 1,500 people die by suicide, and another 3,000 people attempt to take their own lives; over 70% of them are children, adolescents and young adults. It is among the three main causes of death among young people between the ages of 15 and 35.

Each suicide has a serious impact on at least six people. The psychological, social and financial consequences of it on the family and the community are immeasurable.

Suicide is a complex problem for which there is no single cause. It is the result of the complex interaction of biological, genetic, psychological, social, cultural and environmental factors.

It is difficult to explain why some people decide to commit suicide while others – in a similar or worse situation, they do not make such a decision. In fact, most suicides can be prevented.

According to research, mental disorders and illnesses are leading factors in suicidal behavior. The risk is highest in persons with depression, followed by alcoholism, drug addiction, schizophrenia. Suicide attempts are most common during times of crisis.

Emotional and impulsive reactions have the greatest importance for suicidal actions. Subjective motives can be: disappointments, loss of a loved one or fear of such, fear of illness (including relapse of mental illness or cancer), fear of negative opinion or attitude of other people, loneliness, isolation, loss of meaning in life, experience of emptiness, inability to adjust.

There are no definitive criteria for suicidality (tendency to commit suicide). Divorced people, childless women, single elderly people, victims of violence or persecution for political, religious or racial reasons, people without healthy social connections, chronically or terminally ill, disabled, adolescents, people with conflictual relationships at work or at home often commit suicide. .

It has been proven that in almost all cases, people who have taken such actions, in one way or another, give signals to others about their condition, statements about the “wish to die”, “feeling of uselessness” etc. All these calls for help should not be ignored.

In such cases, take some time for the specific person, offer emotional support, listen to their concerns without giving advice or solutions, emphasize positive emotions. Do not hesitate to seek specialized help.

Let's protect children together - society, parents, teachers!
