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Emergency situation in Central Europe! Viktor Orban canceled his long-awaited speech to the European Parliament

As of Thursday, Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia were battered by strong winds and torrential rain

Sep 16, 2024 16:48 407

Emergency situation in Central Europe! Viktor Orban canceled his long-awaited speech to the European Parliament  - 1

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who had planned to hold speech in the European Parliament in Strasbourg within the framework of the Hungarian rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, said today that he is canceling his speech because of the storm "Boris" that hit Central Europe, reported France Press, quoted by BTA.

"Due to the extreme weather conditions and floods (. . .) I am postponing all my international obligations," wrote on the social network "X" the prime minister a nationalist.

"I will not leave the country until we overcome the worst,", the Hungarian prime minister said in a video posted on "Facebook".

The European Parliament confirmed that "the speech on the priorities of the Hungarian presidency, scheduled for this week, has been postponed to another date".

European Parliament President Roberta Mezzola spoke to Viktor Orbán and expressed her support for "all concerned" from extreme weather conditions.

Since July 1, Hungary is the rotating chairman of the Council of the European Union.

Germany promises help to its neighboring countries that are struggling with floods, DPA reported.

"People in neighboring countries, our partners in Europe and our own citizens should know that we are monitoring the situation very closely and are ready to help," a spokeswoman for the German government said in Berlin.

The speaker drew attention to the difficult situation in Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said today that the Polish government is providing immediate aid of one billion zlotys (235 million euros) to Polish regions affected by storm Boris, notes AFP.

As of Thursday, Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia were hit by strong winds and torrential rain.

In all affected countries, a total of at least 15 people became victims of the floods, Reuters reported.