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Radan Kanev drove fifty with his wife and... non-alcoholic gin PHOTO

The MEP celebrated his 49th birthday among close friends in a favorite bar

Oct 1, 2024 18:13 96

MEP Radan Kanev celebrated his 49th birthday in a bar that has been visiting for a quarter of a century. He announced the event himself on his Facebook profile. The lawyer-politician also published a picture with his wife, raising a toast with...non-alcoholic gin.

Here is what Kanev wrote on the occasion:

"Today marks the first day of my 50th year in the sun (which, for those like me who parted ways with mathematics early, means I turned 49 yesterday).

I met him at a bar where we have been meeting for a quarter of a century, with a small company of close friends (my closest and most important friend is my wife of almost 18 years), and a glass of non-alcoholic gin.

I want, of course, to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the countless calls and messages, many of which I will probably never be able to answer.

I would also like, after 49 years of life, 22 in the legal profession, 20 in politics, 18 in marriage and 15 as a parent, to share the haunting impression that everything good requires time, patience, good nerves and a certain, not infrequent, mole , effort. Including spending 5-6 hours on non-alcoholic gin. And it's usually worth it. Miracles happen in some fairy tales. And I haven't been into them since I was little.

The urge to make something good and important happen suddenly and solemnly-revolutionary usually ends in an equally quick return to the status quo ante, with accumulated bitter experience, disappointment and fatigue.

I know that for many of my generation, and even more so than previous ones, right now the last two decades seem to be in the dustbin and smelling a little. I venture to say that this is only partially true. We have achieved, as a society, but also as individuals, and as families, and as businesses, organizations and communities, much that is worth defending. It is not a given.

And about what is truly wasted, through lack of experience and maturity, through stupidity, through self-interest, through selfishness, vanity and envy, or simply through underestimation of the mighty forces of the past in society and in our souls, Kipling said:

“… If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools…”