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Big Brother viewers jumped on Teodora: Typical narcissist, lying to her boyfriend and Victor!

The love triangle made Beba the center of negative attention

Oct 31, 2024 06:14 161

Big Brother viewers jumped on Teodora: Typical narcissist, lying to her boyfriend and Victor!  - 1

The rating of "Big Brother" jumped sharply, thanks to the love triangle between Viktor, Teodora and her boyfriend outside the House, writes BLITZ.

However, recent events have led to serious emotional upheavals among the participants, with some of them already beginning to break under the pressure.

The inclusion of Teodora's boyfriend in a conversation with Victor completely changed the dynamic in the relationship. Teodora, who until now had given Viktor empty hopes for a possible relationship, abruptly changed her behavior and began to behave at a distance. Throughout the season, she allowed him to get too close, and in the end she made a laughing stock of it in front of the whole of Bulgaria, turning on her boyfriend outside the House.

Viewers of the show reacted violently, expressing their extreme displeasure with Theodora's actions. According to them, she manipulated the two men, spinning them into her drama. After realizing she was losing sympathy, Theodora decided to publicly apologize to her housemates and viewers, stating that she wanted her man out of the House and that there was no future for her relationship with Victor.

However, this has failed to calm the anger of viewers, who are adamant that she gave Victor false hope, allowed him to fall in love, and then abandoned him.

Social networks exploded with comments against Teodora. One of them reads: “Baby, a typical narcissist, decided to scream to get out of the situation. Again she left a loophole for Victor, who continues to apologize to her. Sad story.“

Another fan of the show added: “I think she told her boyfriend outside the House to wait for her, but she didn't expect to meet someone like Victor. It's obvious that she likes him a lot, but she doesn't want to go against her "word". The truth is, where there is a love triangle, the latter usually wins.“

The comments continue in this vein, with viewers thinking that if Theodora's boyfriend still wants to be with her, then he is a “big dick”. According to them, the situation will end with Theodora of two chairs remaining on the ground. "If she was out of the House, she would be spinning them both around until she knew exactly who she wanted or until she was caught. That's what all women like her do," wrote an outraged viewer.

The love triangle between Victor, Theodora and her boyfriend outside the House stirred up the spirits among the viewers and made Theodora the center of negative attention. Although she apologized and tried to repair her image, the public doesn't seem ready to forgive her. The fate of the relationship between the three remains unknown, but one thing is certain – this season of "Big Brother" will be remembered for a long time./