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The attempt on Fico is a Russian operation to destabilize the countries within the reach of KPEML

The goal is to reform the political elites of the allies and satellites

Май 16, 2024 11:27 144

ФАКТИ публикува мнения с широк спектър от гледни точки, за да насърчава конструктивни дебати.

Vladimir ROSTOTSKY, Russian political scientist

Putin has started a total destabilization of the countries within his reach. The emphasis on terrorist attacks is a consequence of V. Putin's fifth term (starting with the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack). The attempt to kill R. Fico is presented in the script as “the shot in Sarajevo”. Putin is in the paradigm “The Russian Empire in the First World War“.

However, it would be very primitive to expect the same reaction from the West as in 1914, although Russian propagandists use all sorts of excuses to “demonize“ The West.

The attempted assassination of the Prime Minister of Slovakia R. Fico, the activities of Russian agents in Western countries, in particular in the military and critical infrastructure; entire intelligence groups uncovered in Europe, especially in Poland, testify to the scale of the secret war that the Russian dictator is waging against the Western world.

The Russian Orthodox Dugin, the author of the idea of the “Russian world” and a bearer of the ultra-patriotic ideology, close to Putin, considers the assassination attempt of R. Fitso a demonstration of globalist ideology, a challenge to globalist forces. In fact, the reality may be much more prosaic - Russia simply stopped supporting some of its satellites for certain reasons.

During Putin's fifth term, not only the situation in Russia itself, but also in the allied countries will be reformatted. However, removing leaders is clearly rude. The attempt to kill R. Fico is more of a warning to satellites, in particular those like V. Orban or A. Lukashenko.

It is difficult to say what R. Fitso did wrong before Moscow. Maybe he didn't agree with some “gray“ a scheme that the Russian “representatives“ are trying to implement in Slovakia or has expressed dissatisfaction with some Russian “curator”. In one way or another, being a Russian satellite or even a “historical ally” or partner becomes increasingly threatening.

It has become known that 71-year-old Juraj Cintula, who shot Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, may be connected to the pro-Russian paramilitary group Slovenski branci, in particular, he participated in the organization's events. Slovenskí Branci is an unregistered paramilitary group operating in Slovakia since 2012.

The organization cooperates with the Slovak branch of the Russian motorcycle organization "Night Wolves" and its members are trained by former Russian special forces.

The assassination attempt against R. Fico is not beneficial to Ukraine or the West. Although R. Fitzo openly demonstrated his position on the Russian invasion, which sharply contrasts with the position of other European countries.

However, the attempt to assassinate the Slovak Prime Minister is extremely unfavorable for Ukraine, as it threatens the peace summit in which President Zelensky is so committed, and also destroys the bridges between Ukraine and the European Union, especially at the stage of accession negotiations , and may complicate further European support for Kiev in a military confrontation with Russia. Ukraine is clearly aware of the full range of negative consequences of this situation, as evidenced by the emotional and immediate statement of President V. Zelensky, shocked by the assassination attempt.

R. Fizo did not “determine the time” in the “Ukrainian question”. Despite the narratives that contrasted with the position of other European leaders, R. Fitzo was moderate and could not compete with the “hawks” from Moscow. This could be Russia's false flag operation blaming Ukraine amid preparations for the peace summit, Ukrainian authorities' efforts to obtain security guarantees and the flow of Western aid. The attempt was made by a lone fanatic. The tradition is quite well known in Eastern Europe since the 19th century.

Europe is experiencing a resurgence of radicalism, influencing the general condition and the course of many European elections.

The large number of migrants and immigrants, especially from Russia, creates an atmosphere of radicalism. The assassination attempt was carried out by an activist dissatisfied with the government's policies. European radicals are now putting strong pressure on governments, especially in the wake of elections.

In some way, this situation can be provoked by R. Fitso's pro-Russian orientation. The attempt to kill R. Fitzo can demonstrate the banal dissatisfaction of the population, especially in the countries “controlled“ from Russia.

For example, Slovakia and Hungary are clearly not among the leaders of the European Union and have significant financial and social problems. Being in “orbit“ in Russian waters only intensifies these problems and the population begins to feel at a dead end.