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Erdogan, Fico, Raisi. Who is the next?

The cases are all unrelated, but taken together they show that coincidence here is extremely unlikely

Май 20, 2024 21:30 176

Erdogan, Fico, Raisi. Who is the next?  - 1
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The past five days have been very hot on the international agenda. In a short period of time, a number of events took place that directly affected several state leaders.

On the night of May 15, Turkey announced the prevention of a coup. Authorities are still not releasing details about what happened. It is known that the prosecutor's office is investigating a police conspiracy.

Several officials were arrested in our southern neighbor for ties to crime boss Ayhan Bora Kaplan. In addition, a day before the announcement of the coup in Turkey, a large-scale operation was carried out against supporters of the preacher Fethullah Gulen. 544 people were detained in 62 provinces of the country.

Middle East specialist, political scientist Dmitry Bridge claims that today the main opponents of Turkish President Erdogan are abroad.

"These are Israel, the US and the EU lobbying their interests in Turkey through various political forces and the secular opposition represented by the Republican People's Party. These outside players want to destabilize the situation in Turkey. This is also the Kurdish issue, the internal struggle that is being waged in Turkey between different political forces: secular, Islamist," Bridge explained, quoted by the publication "Arguments and Facts".

It has been eight years since the last attempted military coup in Turkey. This time there were no tanks and shooting in Ankara.

On the same day, alarming reports came from Slovakia. An attempt was made to assassinate the Prime Minister of the country, Robert Fizzo. Elderly writer Juraj Chintula fired four bullets at Fico when the politician came out to talk to people after a government retreat in the town of Gandlov. Although he was seriously injured, the Slovak prime minister survived. This fact is now being used by the prosecution's defense, which says the shooter did not want to kill Fizzo, only to injure him.

After the assassination attempt, pro-Ukrainian media accused Chintula of working for the Kremlin. Once he spoke complimentary on a social network banned in Russia about the members of the group "Slovak Soldiers", who in turn communicate with the Night Wolves.

After the assassination attempt on Fico, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk reported the avalanche of threats received via social media.

Fizo's assassination attempt was the first in Europe in 38 years. In 1986, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was assassinated in Stockholm.

On the night of May 19, returning from Azerbaijan, Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi crashed in a plane crash. The helicopter crashed in the mountains near the border with Azerbaijan. Due to the difficult weather conditions, the search operation for survivors lasted for 10 hours. As a result, the head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society, Pir Hossein Kolivand, announced on Monday - May 20 that there were no survivors on board. In addition to the president of Iran, on board were Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, the imam of the Friday prayer in Tabriz Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Al-e-Hashem and the head of East Azerbaijan province Malek Rahmati.

State leaders have not died in a plane crash since 2010, when Polish President Lech Kaczynski crashed near Smolensk.

This incident could not have happened without conspiracy theories. In particular, there have been claims that many Mossad agents are working in Azerbaijan, and this is not just being talked about in Iran. By the way, journalists from Time are considering a similar version.

Due to the fact that all these incidents happened almost simultaneously and exclusively affected Russia's allies, theories have appeared on the Internet linking these events to each other.

„To that list I will add the unconfirmed assassination attempt on the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman. He also has a very good relationship with Putin, and in many ways they (bin Salman and Putin) are helping to raise the price of oil," said political scientist Sergey Markov. "Many doubted that it was a chain of coincidences. All the cases are, of course, unrelated, but taken together, they show that chance here is extremely unlikely," he added.

«At the same time, Raisi died in the fog, Fico was shot by a half-crazy pro-Ukrainian liberal, the coup in Turkey was not fully confirmed, but it is very strange that all this is happening at the same time. Many believe that it is hardly a coincidence, but there is no clear version, except that the Americans want to encourage this. They are so super powerful, can they create fog?”, the expert asks.

"I personally believe that these are not completely random events. There is such a thing as the zeitgeist. The general destabilization of the situation fuels these problems. These events do not have a single conspiratorial headquarters, and chaotic destabilizing factors are growing in different places," the expert summarized.