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Uncomfortable words: Stupid idea

And all this is done to escape from normality

Jul 8, 2024 16:00 165

Uncomfortable words: Stupid idea    - 1
ФАКТИ публикува мнения с широк спектър от гледни точки, за да насърчава конструктивни дебати.

Calling a crisis in a party "a new beginning" only liberals can do it. What is happening in DPS proves that it is a liberal party. In the same way, i.e. as something new, DSB call the no-nonsense government being prepared a "technical cabinet". That means they are liberals too.

This commented on "Facebook" Alexander Yordanov.

In general, coming up with political gimmicks is a typical liberal strategy.

Liberals cannot do without creating nonsense and manipulating the citizens through them. We recall some of them: "expert government", "non-coalition", "assembly", "rotational cabinet". Now it's the turn of the contrivance "technical cabinet".

And all this is done to escape normality. From this normality - European and democratic, which says that when a party does not have an independent majority in the parliament, it forms a multi-party coalition with parties ideologically and programmatically close to it.

And the deputies of this parliamentary coalition vote for a normal coalition government. This is normalcy.

Deviation from it is always a crisis. The proposal for a "technical office" now it is actually a proposal to prolong the political crisis in our country, and not to overcome it, as the authors of this stupid idea try to lie.

This continuation of political destabilization

through new tariqat concepts he gives pleasure to the Kremlin. Let's not forget that the Russian strategy for Bulgaria is destabilization. It is broad-spectrum.

From the mass settlement of Russians along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast to the finding of "thousands" reasons why our country does not have a normal, regular and politically responsible government. In other words, Moscow is currently applauding both the positions of Ahmed Dogan and Delyan Peevski, as well as the DSB's "technical cabinet" position.