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Kevork Kevorkian: We should have had a Day of Obedience a long time ago

Empty Rituals: We have not learned to be fair to the Past - and therefore we will be severely punished

Oct 1, 2024 16:02 41

Kevork Kevorkian: We should have had a Day of Obedience a long time ago  - 1
ФАКТИ публикува мнения с широк спектър от гледни точки, за да насърчава конструктивни дебати.

The ritual took place. Now that's the important thing. “Independence Day” passed and left. “Report given – report accepted" - if we remember the once infantile-enthusiastic reporting of the chavdars/pioneers, who hardly realized to whom/what exactly they were reporting. Stupidity does not tolerate logical questions. Today, the rituals surrounding some national holidays are no less puzzling - but now we are acting childishly straight in the face of History itself.

This commented on "Facebook" Kevork Kevorkian.

Different holiday rituals also demonstrate varying degrees of artificiality. One is the violent banter on the occasion of the April Uprising, necessarily involving the feeble sneeze of some cherry ball present – and also, to compensate, the loud roar of the Borimechka. Thus a bloody drama is replaced/packaged with a present-day folk/ritual merriment. It is very far, for example, from the ritual on the occasion of “Independence Day”, which will become more and more sophisticated – because he must elevate the role of Ferdinand to the maximum. And even if this happens at the expense of historical plausibility, no one is afraid of this replacement.

Tie de – roughly speaking, Borimechka loses to stingy Ferdinand.

As for him, day by day, they glorify him more and more. He fixed the wives of his ministers - and when he realized that everything was forgiven, he assumed that he fixed the whole country - not with one, but with two national catastrophes.

The slanderer who gave us Independence.

Even Borimechka will not believe this fiction.

However, we feed our rituals with exaggerations, because we hope that at least they will elevate us somehow, somewhere. We rise on tiptoe to become more receptive to the Truth.

In the case of “independence” we have been doing it especially exalted lately - and we still don't align with the Truth, we stay here, and it – somewhere else, in the mirage for the Bulgarian “elsewhere”.

By the way, walk once on the yellow, highlife cobblestones - our dream come true to touch that “elsewhere” - walk on them just once and see how the dream will cover your shoes with dust…

However, the ritual should consist of: smart people discuss it, over and over, and from this angle - and from that, intelligently, and even lustfully. Televisions should mix their voices with those of some children so that we can hear how happy they are that we are independent – today the children report directly to the Truth, this is the suggestion.

But, as happens with everything else, in this case too there is no complete happiness - and something invariably destroys the Ritual from within.

As many times as some smart head has praised “Independence Day”, as many times and much more, the television “commoner“ - and the people in general - ask themselves: Are we really independent today, since we have/celebrate Independence Day?

From whom are we independent?

What are we independent of?

Are we at least independent from the lies they feed us - from the poisonous pacifier they don't remove from our mouths?

Finally: are we independent of ourselves – from his own delusions, from his own resignation?


We bald Ukrainian eggs can't stop, but we brag about “Independence Day”. We brag, we beat ourselves up because of a mirage, because of a self-deception. We resign once again, and without worrying at all, to History itself – and she will never forgive us for these liberties.

Every nation in some way experiences its “drunkenness” – but ours goes on endlessly.

And now we have left ourselves in the hands of the European Commission, of the Ursulkas, to decide what to do with Ukrainian eggs: should we release them and thus stifle the Bulgarian producers – or to stop them and finally feel ourselves somewhat “independent”. We have brought her this far - some eggs to be the arbiter in our torments.

We talk about “Independence Day”, although there is nothing more disgusting than an oligarchic holiday – and, at the same time, we submissively endure all the challenges with which they humiliate us.

We should have had a “Obedience Day” a long time ago.

Is there anything we have done - and it does not smell of submission. We endure the slavery of food chains – and aren't we independent, we have to be large, and so they shove their rubbish at us, which, above all, is the most expensive here. The poorest Europeans get the most expensive food. Come on, arrange an “Independent Idiots Day”.

And what kind of country is this if it can't fight the obvious insolence of some food chains – it will turn out that we got rid of the Turkish shackles/chains more easily than the frauds of today's foreign grocers.

Televisions are also completely conquered by them – they have become the advertising bridgehead of the “chains”, slavishly broadcast their lies and avoid even looking at the poor Bulgarians – basements, however, have “Independence Day”.

The talk about “Independence Day” sounds more and more challenging – and when it is obvious that we are completely subject to our eternal indecision.

Talking nonsense only unlocks the audience's hostile instincts. Think and think of at least one thing in which Bulgaria is independent – political decisions, social policy, education - where the pressure is fierce, energy.

Driven by an excessive obedience, our rulers humiliate even our Constitution. Article 24, paragraph 2 of it reads: ““The main objectives of the foreign policy of the Republic of Bulgaria are the national security and independence of the country…“ However, we are the only country in the EU that practically has no foreign policy, we voluntarily gave it up – and it was replaced by ridiculous rituals.

And yet, we rave about some “independence”.

We are content with bragging rights. We are also kings of replay. Ferdinand – The Megalomaniac – has already been presented as a complete patriot, a 24-karat Bulgarian philanthropist. The truth has no say. Soon the late courtiers will claim that Ferdinand single-handedly won “Independence”. There will be no one to deal with the details – for example, that it is the result of complex bargaining between Russia and Turkey.

We have not learned to be fair to the Past - and for that we will be severely punished. We indulged in rituals and they seemed to cloud our minds. To prefer rituals to the Truth – well, that's really bullshit.

We didn't learn to live our holidays sincerely and without imposing some forced, noisy worship. It repels the young, who are too confused anyway. Even paradise gas will not awaken in the disco generations any interest in the Past. And the speculations about him completely corrupt everyone.

Years ago, during Plevneliev's time, the presidency opened its doors to the common people to show them “Ferdinand's Manifesto” - but folded so that its beginning cannot be read.

We hide the past – we hide from the Past.

And, despite this, they named the space where the main power institutions are located, the so-called “Triangle of Power” – "Independence" square.

It was named so precisely by those who consider independence a sin.

But keep calm.

Everything that is spoken now, the rituals, etc. – all this is but a feeble whimper at the foot of the Truth.
“A country torn from everywhere - but it does not fail to remember once a year about “Independence Day!“

What is this “independence” when we are deprived of even the faintest notion of dignity?

It is as if we are destined to bear the curse of Samuel's drama – however, slightly edited by the “America for Bulgaria” foundation: the one-eyed are led by blind people who are clever in small business.“*


This is how I finished my essay "What independence is Bulgaria celebrating" eight years ago.

Nothing has changed since then.

September 23, 2024