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Kiev: In two years of war, Russia has become more efficient in the production of weapons than the entire Western allianc

Foreign Minister Kuleba said that Western weapons are not supplied in the volumes demanded by the Ukrainian authorities

Май 2, 2024 07:22 77

Russia is more efficient than Western countries in creating military production for the needs of hostilities in Ukraine.

This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, in an interview with Foreign Policy magazine.

„When I look at what Russia has achieved in rebuilding its defense industrial base and what the entire West has achieved so far, we have to face the truth and admit that Russia is more effective in its military efforts" , he said.

„In two years of war, Russia has become more efficient in the production of weapons than the entire Western alliance”, the minister added.

Kuleba said that Western weapons are not being supplied in the volumes demanded by the Ukrainian authorities. “What really matters in wartime is not only the quantity and quality of what is delivered, but also the timing. Unfortunately, I have to admit that Ukraine's allies are not keeping up with the schedule, despite the attempts – some make great efforts“, the minister stressed.

Kuleba emphasized the lack of ammunition in the Ukrainian army. "Essentially, Ukrainian soldiers are "starving" due to lack of artillery shells. And finally they are shelled and their positions are destroyed, he informed.

Kiev has repeatedly said that Ukraine's armed forces are facing ammunition and ammunition shortages. The country's authorities are asking their allies to increase and speed up arms deliveries. For their part, the Western partners admit that they cannot cover all of Kiev's ammunition needs.