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Up 6633%! Ukraine imports weapons for the last time

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly complained about insufficient and untimely deliveries of Western weapons to the country

Май 23, 2024 16:45 98

Up 6633%! Ukraine imports weapons for the last time  - 1

Imports of weapons to Ukraine over the past five years have increased by 6633%. This was reported in the Telegram channel of the Strategic Communications Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, quoted by "Ukrainskaya Pravda".

"Weapons imports into Ukraine have increased by 6,633% over the past five years," the report says.

Ukraine is currently in fourth place among the countries to which weapons are supplied. From 2019 to 2023, Ukraine received 4.9% of all world arms imports.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly complained about insufficient and untimely deliveries of Western weapons to the country. According to him, decisions on military support for Ukraine are delayed by about a year.

As of February 2024, since the start of the special military operation, the US has transferred more than 60 tranches of military aid to Ukraine. According to the US Congressional Research Service, military aid to Kyiv in fiscal years 2022 and 2023 totaled $48.7 billion.

At the end of April this year, US President Joe Biden signed a package of bills approved by Congress resuming arms supplies to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, including $61 billion to Kiev. Immediately after the head of state signed these bills, the Pentagon announced that it was sending $1 billion worth of weapons and equipment to Ukraine, after which Washington provided Kiev with the next batch of $400 million worth of weapons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized that the delivery of new weapons to Ukraine will not change the situation on the front, but will only lead to the prolongation of the conflict. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov noted that any cargo containing weapons for Kiev would become a legitimate target for Russia.