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Justin Trudeau shouted "Glory to Ukraine" and angered Russia VIDEO

The Canadian Prime Minister trampled with the Bandera slogan the memory of the feat of his compatriots during the Great Patriotic War, said the Russian ambassador in Ottawa

Jun 16, 2024 07:04 634

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shouted "Glory to Ukraine" at a photo shoot during the conference on Ukraine in Burgenstock, Switzerland, TASS reported. The video is spreading on social networks.

It shows politicians attending the meeting lining up in several rows for a group photo. At that time, Trudeau, standing almost next to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, shouted “Glory to Ukraine” - an expression considered by the Russians to be the slogan of the people of Bandera during the Great Patriotic War.

Judging by the reaction of those gathered, even Zelensky did not expect this from the Canadian leader. Only a few attendees responded to the Nazi salute, the agency wrote.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tramples on the memory of the feat of Canadians who fought as part of the anti-Hitler coalition against Nazism by publicly shouting Bandera slogans. This is what the Russian ambassador to Canada Oleg Stepanov told a TASS correspondent, commenting on the behavior of the head of the Canadian government during the conference on Ukraine in Switzerland.

„The Russian Embassy has repeatedly drawn the attention of Canadian officials to the Nazi nature of this slogan, invented by Bandera's followers in imitation of the slogan “Heil Hitler”. They have talked about it publicly, but the specifics of today's politics life in the “Ottawa bubble” are such that the priority is the unconditional support of the regime in Kiev”, said Stepanov.

„By throwing the slogan of Nazi collaborators from the stage, Mr. Trudeau tramples on the memory of the feat of Canadian sons and daughters who fought as part of the anti-Hitler coalition to crush Nazism and Hitlerism.

The diplomat also recalled that Trudeau's deputy - Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland - had previously posed with the flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA, recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation) and the Ukrainian National Assembly - Ukrainian People's Self-Defense (UNA -UNSO, recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation), and Canadian military instructors, before the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, “trained, among other things, fighters from the nationalist Azov Regiment (recognized as a terrorist organization and banned in Russian Federation - TASS), knowing about the neo-Nazi ideology of these bandits.

„All in all, it is sad what the Canadian establishment has become, but not surprising, especially given the continued infiltration of students by such Banderian structures as the Canadian Ukrainian Congress, once founded by fugitive SS penal officers, in the government and all spheres of society.”Galicia”, special units of the armed forces of the Third Reich “Nakhtigal” and similar. "We know who we are dealing with in the person of Mr. Trudeau and his team," Stepanov summed up.