Kadyrov has started preparing his successor because of his illness, write "Project" and "Novaya Gazeta Evropa", referring to investigations.
Throughout 2023, the media persistently talked about the serious illness of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov. However, it seems that he managed to solve his health problems for a while.
According to a large-scale investigation by the publication "Project" Kadyrov had and still has kidney problems, but he solved them, at least for a while. Officially, Kadyrov's condition is not commented on, but his disappearances from public space instantly attract attention.
Lately, Kadyrov has been appearing in public with swelling. During his speeches, he is often unable to speak clearly.
Against the backdrop of rumors of his illness, Kadyrov has begun preparing his successors. His family members hold all the high posts in the republic. Kadyrov is not worried that some of them are not even 18 years old. Journalists claim that it was the illness that made Kadyrov take such decisive action.
"Novaya Gazeta Europe" on April 22, published a large-scale investigation into Kadyrov's health: according to journalists, as early as 2019, he was diagnosed with pancreatic necrosis, and after 2022, his condition began to seriously deteriorate. The investigation also alleged that in 2023, Russian authorities launched a PR campaign to show that Kadyrov was fine.
Kadyrov attended the inauguration of President Vladimir Putin on May 7. The head of the Chechen Republic had difficulty climbing the stairs. His assistants helped him take off his jacket, the media reported. But Russian journalist Margarita Simonyan wrote about the head of Chechnya on her Telegram channel: "His health is excellent. I checked him out personally - his biceps are as hard as a rock.
Ramzan Kadyrov is seriously ill! Preparing his successor
Recently, Kadyrov appears in public places with swelling, during his speeches he is often unable to speak clearly
Jun 18, 2024 12:00 285