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Medvedev to Kiev: It's not too late to accept Putin's offer

Any subsequent offer will be worse for the current Ukrainian authorities than the previous one, Moscow announced

Jun 18, 2024 21:53 197

Medvedev to Kiev: It's not too late to accept Putin's offer  - 1

"Ukrainian authorities can still accept the proposals of the Russian president Vladimir Putin for a peaceful settlement, otherwise the advance of Russian troops will continue and the situation will change not in favor of Kiev. This was stated by the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev to reporters, reports TASS, reported

"If we speak quite directly and frankly, I think the president said it all, that any further proposal that will be made by the Russian Federation, no matter how we treat it, will be worse for the current Ukrainian authorities than the previous one, so now they have the opportunity to accept such a proposal, which was formulated by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, and in any case try to establish peace by ending this part of the conflict," he said.

Otherwise, Medvedev continued, "Russia's offensive actions will continue. And where the border of the sanitary zone (buffer zone) will end, which the president of Russia is talking about, it is difficult to say for now. It is quite possible that all this is not in favor of the current Ukrainian authorities. So they should hurry while there is such an opportunity," he added. However, the vice president of the Security Council continued, Kiev has already responded by rejecting the conference in Switzerland, "rejecting any proposals from the beginning, bringing the discussion back to the beginning". "In vain. So it's going to be even worse from now on.

Putin has said that Russia will immediately end the war in Ukraine if the Ukrainians give up 1/5 of their land and future entry into NATO.