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Italy, Hungary and Slovakia have not yet agreed to the Europosts agreement

Meanwhile, Spanish media A Be Se reported that Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is canceling his participation in the EU Brussels summit tomorrow

Jun 26, 2024 22:31 111

Italy, Hungary and Slovakia have not yet agreed to the Europosts agreement  - 1

Italy, Hungary and Slovakia have yet to approve the agreement that was reported to have been reached between the European People's Party, the Socialists and the Liberals on top EU posts, European sources cited by ANSA said.

"So far, three parties have not agreed to the appointments agreement. These are Giorgia Meloni's Italy, Viktor Orbán's Hungary and Robert Fico's Slovakia," the source said. He expressed hope that Meloni would eventually be persuaded to support the deal and that there had been a lot of contact between the leaders of the 27 member countries to reach a well-balanced agreement, BTA quoted.

At the same time, Spanish media A Be Se reported that Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is canceling his participation in the EU Brussels summit tomorrow due to the death of his father-in-law - Sabiniano Gómez Serrano , who is the father of his wife Begonya Gomez. Sanchez has delegated his vote at the meeting of European leaders to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.