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Bulgarian masseuse who raped 10 female clients in London will serve 9.5 years

He took advantage of his victims after they booked sessions with him for a new cosmetic therapy

Jun 29, 2024 06:04 227

Bulgarian masseuse who raped 10 female clients in London will serve 9.5 years  - 1

In Great Britain, 45-year-old Bulgarian citizen Julian Dimov, working as a massage therapist, was sentenced to nine and a half years in prison on charges of raping 10 female clients, BNR reported.

Yulian Dimov used a beauty therapy app to find and rape ten female clients in their own homes. He took advantage of his victims after they booked sessions with him on the "Urban" app, which allows clients to connect with freelance therapists for private sessions.

Dimov, a professional physical therapist, was caught after a woman reported him for assaulting her during a massage in November 2022. Police have also contacted other women who had sessions with him and some of them have admitted to similar incidents.

Dimov was arrested at Gatwick airport. while trying to catch a one-way flight to his homeland on June 15 last year. When police checked his phone, they found more than 30 photos of women taken without their consent during home visits. He sent the photos to a friend of his, a real estate agent. Dimov claims the photos are for professional use only on his massage website.

Last month, 12 charges of sexual assault, six charges of voyeurism and two charges of attempted voyeurism were brought against the Bulgarian.

Judge Barbara Mensah at the court in the London Borough of "Wood Green" delivered the sentence after the jury unanimously found Dimov guilty after a trial that lasted about two weeks. The wife and mother of the accused were present in the courtroom when the verdict was pronounced.