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Biden: I'm not going to walk away

His statement comes amid heightened expectations of his replacement as the Democratic presidential nominee

Jul 5, 2024 05:24 70

Biden: I'm not going to walk away  - 1

US President Joe Biden opened a decisive phase on Thursday in his efforts to save his embattled campaign for re-election, facing a growing sense that he may have just days to prove himself fit for office before support for him among Democrats completely evaporates, the Associated Press reported, citing BTA.

In front of a crowd gathered for an Independence Day barbecue on July 4 in the White House courtyard, where he met with service members and their families, Biden said: “I have no intention of leaving.

Biden was also endorsed Thursday by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, named among possible candidates who could replace Biden in the race at the last minute. Newsom told Democratic supporters in Michigan that the 81-year-old president has the experience and energy to win a second term despite doubts about his ability to campaign and govern effectively. “I believe in this man. I believe in his character. I believe he is one of the presidents who has made the most difference in our collective lives. "We're so good at focusing on the mistakes and not appreciating the right things," Newsom said.

According to an unnamed source in private conversations, Biden is focused on how to turn the tide after his lackluster debate performance with Trump. During one conversation, when asked what would happen if his efforts to change things didn't work, Biden said he understood how important the race was and that he would put country first.

As a result of Biden's disastrous performance in last week's debate with Republican nominee Donald Trump, some donors to the Biden campaign are holding back or canceling future donations, a source familiar with the matter told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.


And on Thursday, the bad news for Biden from his campaign donors continued. After on Wednesday the co-founder of the platform for watching movies "Netflix" and one of the biggest donors to the Democratic Party, Reed Hastings, called on the president to withdraw from the re-election race, on Thursday, Abigail Disney, granddaughter of Walt Disney, founder of the film company that bears his name, said on CBS that is suspending its donations to the Democratic Party until Biden withdraws from the race, Reuters reported.