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Security steps up ahead of French election runoff

Latest polls predict victory but not outright majority for far-right National Assembly party

Jul 5, 2024 06:20 37

Security steps up ahead of French election runoff  - 1

France is stepping up security ahead of Sunday's snap parliamentary election runoff. At the end of the campaign, acts of violence and attacks against candidates became more frequent.

As political tensions rise in France ahead of Sunday's runoff, which could bring the far right to power, French authorities are scrambling to prevent potential riots on election night.

30,000 police officers will be mobilized in the country, 5,000 around Paris, as announced by Interior Minister Gerald Darmanen. He expressed concern about unrest caused by far-left or far-right groups, depending on the outcome.

In the last pre-election days, almost all political forces reported incidents and acts of violence against their candidates. Government spokesperson Priska Tevno was attacked during her campaign, in which one activist from her party was injured.

Four people have been arrested in the case. There have also been incidents with a candidate from the extreme right and contenders from the left front. Manifestations of racism by extreme groups have also become more frequent.

The latest polls predict a victory, but far from a complete majority, for the far-right party "National Assembly".