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Keir Starmer: Change starts here

The UK's likely next prime minister made the remarks after it emerged he was winning in his constituency

Jul 5, 2024 07:00 47

Keir Starmer: Change starts here  - 1

UK Labor Party leader Keir Starmer said the country had voted for change and it is time for his party to ensure it, reported Reuters, quoted by BTA.

Starmer made the statements after it emerged that he was winning in his constituency and securing a seat in the House of Commons of the British Parliament.

„Tonight, people here and across the country have spoken, and they are ready for change. "The change starts here," Starmer announced.

Exit polls released on Thursday night after voting closed in the UK showed Labor winning the election by a landslide with an expected 410 of the 650 seats in the House of Commons. This makes it virtually certain that Starmer will succeed Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister and end 14 years of Conservative rule.

The Tories have suffered their worst election defeat in history and are expected to win just 131 seats. Their most senior representative, for whom it is already clear that he will lose his parliamentary seat, is the Minister of Defense Grant Shapps.

The leader of the right-wing nationalist party “Reform United Kingdom“ Nigel Farage will sit in the Palace of Westminster for the first time after seven failed attempts. According to the forecasts, his party will have 13 deputies.

Voters' disenchantment with the Conservatives is also contributing to the strong showing of the centrist Liberal Democrats, who are expected to have 61 representatives in the lower house of parliament. On the other hand, the Scottish National Party, which advocates for Scottish independence, is in decline and is likely to have only 10 MPs.