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Russian military bloggers sound the alarm: We have no soldiers, it's time to negotiate with Ukraine

Russian Z-bloggers comment that the quality of the Russian army is constantly declining

Jul 5, 2024 08:53 103

Russian military bloggers sound the alarm: We have no soldiers, it's time to negotiate with Ukraine  - 1

Russian military bloggers are of the opinion that Vladimir Putin's army is currently not in able to advance offensively for personnel reasons. Because of this, there are even discussions about an early end to the fighting, although “the temptation is great”, writes

„The size of our armed forces fundamentally does not correspond to their offensive tasks,” wrote Russian military blogger Svyatoslav Golikov, among others, recently on his Telegram channel.

Russian Z-bloggers comment that the quality of the Russian army is constantly declining – both the newly recruited soldiers and the experienced ones, where fatigue is noticeable.

Added to this, according to Golikov, is the irresponsible attitude of a significant part of the command staff when it comes to saving human lives.

„There is simply a lack of strength to turn the initial successes of the front into operational advantages,”, he points out, giving an example of the unsuccessful Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region.

Also, according to polling agencies, most Russian citizens would already agree to negotiations to end the war given the current situation on the front.

On this background, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated: “We will not announce a ceasefire. We need to see irreversible steps on the part of Ukraine. Without such steps, a ceasefire is impossible.