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Did Medvedev predict the end of Ukraine?

The Kremlin's harsh and uncompromising terms for peace talks would be tantamount to Ukraine's capitulation

Jul 22, 2024 06:52 225

Did Medvedev predict the end of Ukraine?  - 1

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, is causing a stir with his latest statements on Ukraine. The Russian media uses his words to prepare the population for a long-term conflict, writes

As the Kremlin seeks to prepare the Russian people for a prolonged war in Ukraine, Russian state media have published recent comments by Dmitry Medvedev. His comments are aimed at strengthening Russia's position for victory and reaffirming the goal of destroying Ukraine in the next decade.

And this is not just about Crimea or Donbass, but about the whole of Ukraine.

Medvedev stated that Ukraine will never join NATO because the leadership of NATO may change by 2034 and it is quite possible that Ukraine will no longer exist, according to the former Russian president.

These statements contradict claims by some Kremlin officials that Russia is ready for peace talks.

The Kremlin's harsh and uncompromising terms for peace talks would be tantamount to Ukraine's capitulation. Vladimir Putin has already said that part of the Russian conditions for “peace” are Kiev to renounce NATO and 1/5 of its territories currently occupied by the aggressor. Moreover, there is no future guarantee for Ukraine's security that it will not be attacked again.