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Sport helps diplomacy

The 5th World Nomad Games are held with the support of UNESCO

Sep 11, 2024 21:15 111

Sport helps diplomacy  - 1

The connection between sport and diplomacy may seem obvious at first glance, but it exists and definitely sport is one of powerful tools for the development of diplomatic relations between countries around the world. Another proof of this is the 5th World Nomad Games, which are being held from September 8 to 13 in Kazakhstan with the support of UNESCO. The games are included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of the international organization. The Nomad Games are an event that highlights the true value of national culture.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Roman Vasilenko, also emphasized the important role of UNESCO and the relationship between diplomacy and sports at a press conference given to foreign journalists on the fourth day of the world cultural and sports event. “We hope that the event will support the unification of nations,” said the minister.

When asked how much it cost to organize this large-scale event, in which nearly 2,500 players from 89 countries participate, the minister replied that according to preliminary data, 5.9 billion tenge were spent, which is just over 11 million EUR.

From horse racing and archery to martial arts and wrestling, these games show the enduring strength and spirit of nomadic traditions. “This courage is our defining characteristic, driving us in every endeavor, whether in sport, culture or commerce. For us, these Games are as significant as the Olympics are for others in the world”, he said.

Vasilenko recalled that under the chairmanship of Kazakhstan, important international events were held in Astana this year, including summit meetings of the heads of state of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Organization of Turkic States.

„Our country plays an active role in solving the problems of international peace, security and stability. We support the efforts of the UN and other international organizations in the fight against terrorism, extremism, illegal migration, climate change and other threats. Our growing engagement on the world stage is proof of President Tokaev's effective foreign policy, which is based on the principles of peace, balanced, pragmatic and courageous forward-looking diplomacy, Vasilenko specified.

Kazakhstan firmly believes that cooperation and dialogue are key to global prosperity. This approach is reflected in the country's efforts to foster constructive relations with all major global players, including the country's eastern and western partners. It also highlights Kazakhstan's dynamic role in the global economy as it seeks to collaborate with international investors and innovators to realize new opportunities for sustainable development.

„We are also part of the “Central Asia Plus” initiative, having hosted and participated in numerous summits with major global players such as the US, China, the European Union, the Gulf States, India and others – now there are a total of 13 such platforms”, the minister recalled.

Kazakhstan is using its geographic location and geo-economic potential to improve land connections between Asia and Europe. “Our nation offers opportunities for critical raw materials, including vast reserves of essential minerals such as copper, zinc, lead, silver and aluminum. We are the largest producer and exporter of natural uranium in the world, which accounts for almost 45% of global production and export, Vasilenko specified.

These resources are critical to sectors such as the energy transition and electric vehicles, positioning Kazakhstan at the forefront of industries that are shaping the future of a sustainable global economy.

As the largest economy in the Central Asian region, Kazakhstan is committed to facilitating trade and investment that benefits all countries, ensuring it remains a reliable partner for global growth and development.

„Our vision for economic progress is forward-looking, with an emphasis on diversification and innovation”, the minister said.

The Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) plays a crucial role in establishing Kazakhstan as a regional business hub. In 2024, over 3,000 companies from 82 countries were registered in AIFC: the official list of Astana International Exchange (AIX) includes 150 issues of securities from 94 different issuers, 37 trading members and about 15 custodian companies. The total trading volume of the AIX exchange in 2023 was USD 582 million (equity trading USD 130 million, debt trading USD 452 million), up 236% from 2022.

Since 2018, over USD 12 billion in investments have been raised through the AIFC platform. These impressive achievements reflect Kazakhstan's bold approach to creating a competitive, sustainable economy and an attractive environment for inward investment.

Since 1993, Kazakhstan has attracted a total of USD 441 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI). The top 10 investors in the country since 2005 are the Netherlands, USA, Switzerland, China, Russia, France, Great Britain, Belgium, Republic of Korea and Japan.

In 2023, the gross inflow of FDI in Kazakhstan amounted to USD 23.4 billion, in the first quarter of 2024 – 5.7 billion USD.

The Minister did not fail to recall the most important news for Kazakhstan's economy in recent days, namely that the international rating agency Moody’s raised Kazakhstan's long-term ratings to Baa1, the highest rating ever awarded by Moody’s of this country.

Through a number of bold initiatives, Kazakhstan aims to create a more competitive and sustainable economy by inviting global investors, businesses and innovators to engage with the country's vibrant market and contribute to a shared vision for sustainable progress.

„Accordingly, our transition to a green and sustainable economy is also a key objective, with initiatives focused on renewable energy, hydrogen production and the potential construction of a nuclear power station to be decided in a proposed national referendum scheduled for October 6” , said Vasilenko.

The upcoming referendum will be another manifestation of a broad national dialogue and a vivid example of the concept of a “state that listens to the voice of the people”.

The government believes that such important decisions should be made by the people themselves, reflecting their will and priorities.

Minister Vasylenko thanked the journalists for their work: “Through your work, you also help to communicate to the world that Kazakhstan is a nation that embraces innovation and progress while preserving its proud traditions. "We are a country bold in our aspirations, driven by a vision of global cooperation, sustainable growth and shared prosperity," he concluded.