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Germany bans Muslim center linked to Hamas

Germany's interior minister orders the closure of a center linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas for promoting anti-Semitism

Sep 12, 2024 14:56 96

Germany bans Muslim center linked to Hamas  - 1

Brandenburg state interior minister Michael Stubgen from the Christian Democratic Union, ordered the banning of the Muslim center "As Salam" in the town of Fürstenwalde, DPA reported. According to him, the center is connected to the "Muslim Brotherhood" and the terrorist organization "Hamas" and has promoted anti-Semitic views, quoted by BTA.

Stubgen declared that the center was in conflict with the German constitution. The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928 in Egypt, is banned in its homeland, and Hamas, which organized an attack on Israel on October 7, is part of it in Gaza.

Police are already enforcing the ban by raiding the center's premises in Fürstenwalde and private homes in Brandenburg and Berlin.

"We cannot allow associations that oppose constitutional principles or create tension between peoples," said Stubgen, who also stressed that the radicalization of young people poses a serious risk. He pointed out that preventing the spread of Islamism should start at an early stage.

The measures come about 10 days before a regional election in Brandenburg on September 22, with issues of migration and religious extremism at the forefront of the campaign.