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Hackers Extort Seattle Airport, Demand $6 Million For Stolen Files

Airport Operator Under Cyber Attack

Sep 19, 2024 06:20 117

Hackers Extort Seattle Airport, Demand $6 Million For Stolen Files  - 1

Hackers Demand $6 Million In Bitcoin From International Airport Operator In Seattle-Tacoma, for documents they stole during a cyberattack last month and posted on the dark web this week, an airport official said yesterday, the Associated Press reported, cited by BTA.

The Port of Seattle, the airport's owner and operator, has decided not to pay, the official said.

The airport previously linked the attack to a ransom gang called the "Rhysida", and now the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation, Lance Lytle said. He told a US Senate committee that the airport appears to have stopped the attack, but the hackers were still able to encrypt some data.

Lytle did not describe the documents. He said the airport would contact any individuals whose personal information may have been stolen.

Employees of the "Port of Seattle" said paying the ransom would not be a good use of taxpayers' money.

The airport is still recovering from the attack, which began on August 24 and came at a busy time a week before the Labor Day holiday weekend.

Flights were able to operate, but the attack blocked ticketing, check-in counters and baggage handling.