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Radev: The clear threat to international peace and security undermines the achievement of sustainable development

The head of state emphasized that two and a half years ago the Russian Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and from the very beginning Bulgaria sharply denounced this war, which resulted in hundreds of thousands casualties, immense suffering and destruction

Sep 25, 2024 21:37 42

Radev: The clear threat to international peace and security undermines the achievement of sustainable development  - 1

The world is facing a number of serious problems – from the unprecedented challenge to global peace and security to the escalating climate crisis and growing inequalities, and each of them requires the attention and joint efforts of the international community. This was stated by President Rumen Radev in his speech today from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly, according to the press office of the head of state.

Radev emphasized that Bulgaria addresses the 79th session of the General Assembly with the determination to promote multilateral diplomacy and seek workable solutions based on the Charter of the United Nations. "This is the path to follow for the survival of humanity and future generations," Rumen Radev pointed out and expressed hope that the held Summit for the Future and the adopted Pact for the Future under the auspices of the United Nations will be a step towards a vital transformation that the nations expect.

The international order forged in the United Nations is facing a threat, the president also pointed out and emphasized that the clear threat to international peace and security undermines the achievement of sustainable development and undermines the rules-based global order. > "Restoring and preserving peace should not only be the ultimate goal of the international community, but also a necessary prerequisite for achieving the sustainable development goals of the United Nations,” said Rumen Radev. The head of state reminded that in 2015, all UN member countries unanimously adopted 17 sustainable development goals, sharing a common vision for peace and prosperity for the entire planet. "Today, more than ever, they must be in the focus of the international community and require full mobilization of the international community for their achievement,”, the president pointed out.

The head of state emphasized that two and a half years ago, the Russian Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and from the very beginning, Bulgaria sharply denounced this war, which led to hundreds of thousands of victims, enormous suffering and destruction. "Every day of this war increases the risk of escalation in its intensity and territorial scope and poses a huge threat to international peace and security. "The secondary effects of the war are already seriously affecting the economies and social systems of a number of countries," emphasized Rumen Radev. Therefore, according to the president, the international community must seek ways that lead to de-escalation and dialogue, and any diplomatic effort that seeks a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace in Ukraine in accordance with the UN Charter and international law should be supported.

The head of state highlighted the significant increase in instability in the Middle East region after the attack by "Hamas” against Israel and the subsequent hostilities, which led to a significant deterioration of security in the region, which also has global dimensions. The President also pointed out that the consequences of this military conflict cannot be forgotten – tens of thousands of dead and wounded civilians in the Gaza Strip, the destruction of vital infrastructure and the mass displacement of people.

"We call for an immediate ceasefire, the provision of free access for humanitarian convoys, as well as the release of all hostages from "Hamas", the president emphasized. The head of state defined the development of the situation in Lebanon as "a qualitatively new and dangerous dimension of the conflict, which increases the risk of its regional expansion”. Therefore, Rumen Radev called for refraining from the use of force and for the display of reason, so that the spiral of violence and human suffering would be put to an end. The only way to achieve lasting peace in a region with extremely "fragile” security is through the decision for the two countries, the president also pointed out.

As a goal of critical importance for the international community at a time of ongoing destabilization of many regions, Rumen Radev defined the development of a world without nuclear threat. In this regard, the President emphasized the need for the full implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as a basis for the process of nuclear disarmament and the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Making regional stability a priority becomes vital in today's conditions, Rumen Radev also pointed out and emphasized Bulgaria's actions aimed at preserving and strengthening it in Southeastern Europe. Bulgaria conducts a dialogue with the countries of the region, guided by the conviction that security, stability and prosperity are of key importance for sustainability in a wider international plan. Bulgaria is a strong supporter of the European path of the countries of the Western Balkans, Rumen Radev also pointed out and highlighted as priorities of our country the building of good neighborly relations in the region, the improvement of connectivity, the protection of human rights and the countering of ethnic discrimination. As serious challenges in this regard, the president noted the new cases of hate speech and indoctrination. "Countering and limiting the aggressive nationalist rhetoric in the region and focusing on a positive agenda of strengthening multi-ethnic societies and the rights of their constituent communities will prevent the awakening and memories of the dark history of the region,”, Rumen Radev also emphasized.

In his speech at the forum, the president also pointed out Bulgaria's contribution to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, not only through the implementation of the National Development Program Bulgaria 2030, but also with the general projects that our country implements with its neighbors and around the world in healthcare, education, public infrastructure and more.

As a member of the UN Human Rights Council, Bulgaria has never looked away from the alarming dynamics in governance processes, the state of democracy and human rights in different regions of the world, the president also emphasized. Rumen Radev stated that this is a commitment of our country both internally and as co-chairman of the Group of Friends of Children, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, as vice-chairman of the UNICEF Executive Board, member of the UN Executive Board- Women and by supporting initiatives that empower the General Assembly and aim for accountability. "Bulgaria advocates an approach to sustainable development based on human rights and expects the active participation of all countries in the upcoming World Social Summit,” said the head of state.

The President also pointed out that along with the international community's focus on achieving peace between nations, it is no less important to achieve reconciliation between humanity and nature. Climate change multiplies threats to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and requires urgent action based on the "Global Analysis" as well as more ambitious climate goals, including financially supported ones, which are expected to be achieved at the 29th UN Conference on climate change.

In light of the increasing challenges to international law and the rules-based order based on the UN Charter, Bulgaria remains dedicated to strengthening the effectiveness and accountability of the UN Security Council, the head of state emphasized in his speech. The President added that our country supports efforts to increase transparency and accountability in the work of the Council and is a co-author of the key resolution of the General Assembly regarding the imposition of the veto. The head of state also expressed our country's position on granting the group of Eastern European countries an additional non-permanent member seat in the reformed UN Security Council.