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Siljanovska to the EU from the UN General Assembly: Unblock us, enough double standards!

Viktor Orban arrived in Ohrid

Sep 27, 2024 05:00 59

Siljanovska to the EU from the UN General Assembly: Unblock us, enough double standards!  - 1

Understanding and “fair unblocking of the negotiation process for membership in the European Union”, for North Macedonia, rejection of double standards and respect for principles and values, enshrined in the main documents of the EU stated that it expects from the European and strategic partners of North Macedonia, the country's president Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova, in her speech before the UN General Assembly, reported BTA.

Silyanovska said that EU enlargement should be tied to the Copenhagen criteria and “free from vetoes associated with attempts to revise history and disrespect national and cultural identity”.

„The unification of Europe is like an unfinished symphony without us. The European Union is not only a political system, but also a political philosophy in which most Macedonian and Balkan participants in political life and citizens believe. Integration is a powerful motive and a key force for democratic development, said Siljanovska, adding that North Macedonia expects the start of negotiations with the EU from 2005, "encouraged by international representatives with the motive: “only this condition“, “only this concession”, “only this constitutional amendment”.

„As a professor of constitutional law and as a former member of the Venice Commission, I know that what is legal is not always fair and legitimate, because in the case of my country it was not acted in accordance with international and national law , i.e. “it was forgotten” the right of self-determination of every people, guaranteed by the UN Charter, Siljanovska said.

She recalled that “as one of the six constituent Yugoslav republics” North Macedonia participated in the establishment of the United Nations, and upon its admission to the United Nations in 1993, under the name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, it faced “great injustice and still faces it”.

„In 2018, the Prespa Agreement was signed and ratified, after which an unsuccessful referendum and constitutional changes followed, with which the Republic of Macedonia formally and legally became the Republic of North Macedonia. But the membership in the EU not only did not come true, but Macedonian citizens are now faced with a new, again "last condition", for another constitutional change, but not for membership, but for the start of negotiations, and for the second time,” The General Assembly of the UN Silyanovska.

In her words, “where there is a veto, there is often no justice”, and the veto itself has become an instrument for the bilateralization of European integration.

„In the conditions of conflict on European soil, the stagnation of European integration not only demotivates Macedonian citizens and delays reforms, but also destabilizes the region of South-East Europe, leaving room for the penetration of malignant influences,” said the president of North Macedonia.


Meanwhile, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán arrived in Ohrid, for the first official visit of a prime minister to the Republic of North Macedonia, after the government of Hristijan Mickoski was voted in the country's parliament, BTA reported. p>

"I am proud of the opportunity to strengthen cooperation between our two countries. We believe that this visit will open new avenues for economic and cultural exchange and strengthen our friendly relations. We look forward to fruitful talks and joint initiatives," Mickoski wrote on his Facebook profile.

As part of the visit to North Macedonia, Orban and Mickoski will hold a one-on-one meeting, bilateral meetings are also forthcoming, as well as a joint meeting of the ministers of the two governments.