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The RSM protested on the sixth year since the country's name was changed

The public demonstration was organized by the association Macedonian for Macedonian

Oct 1, 2024 05:09 43

The RSM protested on the sixth year since the country's name was changed  - 1

A protest in front of the EU delegation building in Skopje was organized last night by activists from the association " "Macedonian for Macedonian", BTA reported.

The occasion was the sixth anniversary of the holding of a referendum, defined by the participants in the protest as unsuccessful, with the question "Do you support membership in the EU and NATO by accepting the Treaty between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Greece?”

Protesters blocked the boulevard in front of the EU delegation building, chanting "Never North, only Macedonia" and waving banners with the star of Vergina.

The referendum held on 30 September 2018 was consultative and less than half of those on the electoral rolls voted, which did not meet the requirement for it to be successful, but just over 94 percent of those who voted supported the change of the name of the state entered in the treaty by Prespa.